Welcome to Jenny's Place for Working Moms

Last updated:  15 December 1998
Who Am I? 
Hi, I'm Jenny, a working mom just starting out on the web. I'm slowly getting things organized around here, but I still hope to add lots more useful information and interesting content to my pages. 
Why Am I Here? 
My two main reasons for having a personal web page are to keep our extended family up to date on our family's events and happenings, and to provide a place for other working moms to come to see hints, tips, and useful links, or just to know there are others out there like themselves. 

To that end, the family's site will be the focus of the front page, or the "Front Door", while the stuff available from this page, Mom's room, will be for the working moms on the 'net. 

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official PhenomenalWomen Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web
Why I Work:  
There is still controversy in American society, surprisingly perhaps strongest amongst women, over whether mothers should stay home full time or work full- or part-time inside or outside the home.  I have decided to work full time in addition to being a wife and mother.  This choice is not for everyone, but here is my story. 
How do Working Moms do it all without going nuts? Well, for one thing, we don't do it all. But we also have to find ways to de-stress and decompress. Here are some ways I have found to cope with stress 
Life's Ups and Downs: 
Some days you just can't win, and other days you're on top of the world. Is this the way your life is sometimes? Here's my point of view on mood swings.
Favorite Links:  
I've been browsing around, finding interesting sites.  I've compiled a list of sites relating to working mothers, women in general, and other family and parenting sites.  Take a look at my favorite sites, but don't forget to come back here too! 
NEW:  Poetry Corner: 
These are some poems which have caught my eye recently... hope you enjoy them.
Web Rings:
Here are the webrings I belong to.
Daremore Quotes
More to come soon. Please send your comments, tips, suggestions. I'd love to hear from you!


Go to the Harris House's Front Door

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