11/09/00 05:38:22
Name: Jenny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: browsing |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: everything |
Want to commend you in website...you sound like a strong person who knows how to survive..just wanted to encourage you in all that you do. You
seem pretty talentive. Keep up the good work..
(A woman to woman...encouragement.)
05/15/00 22:55:18
Name: Shannon Fry | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE |
How did you find us?: Web Ring | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Family / Christian / Graphic Sites |
I've really enjoyed going through your pages. I would like to extend an invitation for you to join Inner Dreams. We are a group of women who support childrens causes. There's many different
ommittees to be involved in and make new friends! It's a bunch of fun and we would be proud to have you as a member. Please look at our webpage and read our creed. Hope to see you around! (hugs)
04/07/00 07:19:23
Name: Karen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE |
How did you find us?: Wonderful |
Really wonderful site, so bright and colourful - it's a breath of fresh air.
12/23/99 17:49:21
Name: Anthony Wright | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: I.E. 5.0 |
How did you find us?: from a guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: educational, family, entertainment |
You have an interesting site. Merry Christmas from
cold and snowy Canada.
12/14/99 16:20:26
My URL: Visit Me |
11/20/99 15:53:03
Name: marilynn smart | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: msn |
How did you find us?: was looking for christmas tree decorating ideas | What kinds of sites do you visit?: how2.com , mp3 |
how did you get your own website
08/27/99 14:47:15
Name: Nancy Birkenstock | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: internet explorer |
How did you find us?: surfing... | What kinds of sites do you visit?: looking at working mothers because I need to write an article for a newsletter on balancing work/family issues. |
08/23/99 01:49:30
Name: Gretchen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE4 |
How did you find us?: Scrapbook Addict and my guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Scrapbooking :o) |
Thanks for the invite to your site. I really like it. The section on FMS was VERY informative. My mother too has been diagnosed with it but since I don't see here on a regular basis I don't know much about it. See ya on the board!
08/22/99 03:40:15
Name: Lucy Conn | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: Scrapbookaddict site |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: Work related/scrap booking/quilting |
You site is beautiful I hope to one day have a site that nice for our family. Keep up the wonderful work.
08/21/99 01:31:25
Name: Vicky Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi Jenny and David and Kids!
Stopped by on Tylers Birthday.
See ya in October.
I've moved again but I have the same P.O. Box.
08/09/99 02:30:25
Name: Lorene Hensley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer |
How did you find us?: address sent by Nancy B. | What kinds of sites do you visit?: usually don't surf..... |
Hi, I'm a friend of Nancy's and she sent me your address. I had looked once before but wanted to look again and see the pictures. I love looking at people's pictures. The kids are beautiful, of course.
07/14/99 19:57:39
Name: Kathy Bird | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: Mom gave me the address again |
Hey folks! Glad to re-connect, the site is looking wonderful... I especially like the garden corner -- that is one gene we share! Kathy
06/15/99 02:41:41
Name: grandma bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi Pooh and Piglet, welcome to the family, you look real good there in the garden. Take good care of all the plants for Jenny please. She and David and Mike and Kim have done a lot of work to provide you two with a beautiful garden to reside in. Enjoy you
new home and look forward to seeing you in person sometime.
06/11/99 01:38:42
Name: Sonia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: surfed on |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: personal interest ..family oriented sites only |
Ypour site is great ..I am sure glad I popped in ..Thanks for sharing..
05/31/99 09:50:02
Name: Oenone Jade | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE |
How did you find us?: From a Friend | What kinds of sites do you visit?: all kinds..no specifics |
The founders of Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD. wish to formally launch our group with an invitation to
visit our site at:
We invite you to visit our Universe and become acquainted with our exclusive group!
Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD is fashioned in a celestial theme consisting of Our Universe which
encompasses all members. We believe every female is a star in her own right and we have chosen the title
Star for all members. Stars form constellations and we have formed four constellations for your review.
Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site and consider supporting Sisters of the Golden
Moon, LTD. with your exclusive membership. We promise to proclaim you a star sister and have a
program in place which we feel will enhance your online realm. We have assorted activities for you to
align with in the form of Constellations.
Please give us your comments on Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD ... we're interested in your first
impression and we are open for suggestions!
Lipstick, MysticalRose, LadyRedRo§e
Founders, Sisters of the Golden Moon, LTD.
05/10/99 04:30:25
Name: Catherine | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Exployer 4.1 |
How did you find us?: From your Mom | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Anyones that interest me |
I enjoyed my return visit and will be back again. I like the changes you have made and the FMS pages are great. What fun to watch your children grow. Thanks for inviting me in, I always have a good time.
04/29/99 21:11:56
Name: Norma | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: FMSRing | What kinds of sites do you visit?: FMS,Craft related |
I have fms and so does my sister. We live in Puerto Rico and just started a support group. It's great to help others see the "light" after many years of search. Your page is great. Nancy's letters made me cry and laugh. Keep the good work. My husband made
the support group webpage and is still under construction but many are being informed in spanish. We do traduction to important information in english. Thank you for your page,
04/24/99 21:47:52
Name: Delia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Webtv |
How did you find us?: Your dear mom | What kinds of sites do you visit?: medical & crafts |
Hi, Met your Mom through my niece, who has FMS and
so do I. I'm new at this internet, but enjoying it very much. You have a great home page.....
04/13/99 18:24:32
Name: Kathy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: looking around |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: Nothing some thing just get my eye |
Sorry to here about your mom. I feel her pain cuz at the age of 42 i was told i have harding of the arterties. Know at 44 have had two big surgerys and looking at another in a couple weeks. God be with her cuz there is some of us who need just alittle mor
04/12/99 00:50:34
Name: Dorothy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Webtv |
How did you find us?: Newsgroup | What kinds of sites do you visit?: All, non in particular |
I really loved your page and I truly enjoyed your Mom's newletters and poems. I, too, have FMS and know what she is going through. Keep up the good work.
04/02/99 04:11:41
Name: Nancy aka Mom |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Thank you my Number 1 publisher. They look good and I appreciate your using some of your web space for this disease which is not only affecting my life but so many others as well.
Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 00:33:16
Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes Glück!.
03/20/99 18:42:50
Name: Kathy Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Hey folks!
Your page is looking great! Hope you are having a great spring! Aunt Kathy
03/13/99 00:18:11
Name: DOUG LINCOLN | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: DAVE GAVE ME THE ADDRESS |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: SPORTS, NEWS, CARS |
03/11/99 05:04:38
Name: nancy nickel | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: netscape 4.0 |
How did you find us?: nancy bird | What kinds of sites do you visit?: fibro/quilting |
just stopped by to say hello, your Mom sent me here to enjoy your homepage very nice see you agoin
03/10/99 22:10:10
Name: Margaret Bennett | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: your mother | What kinds of sites do you visit?: all kinds |
You've got a great site. I'm glad that your mother shared it with me. My site is still a work in progress. I would appreciate any help, advice or whatever.
03/09/99 03:20:58
Name: Dick | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer |
How did you find us?: your mom | What kinds of sites do you visit?: nice sites like yours |
You did a great job with this , I book marked it in my favorites & will be back,,,,, Dick
03/09/99 02:10:59
Name: Pearlie Mae | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 4.0 |
How did you find us?: Your momma | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Cooking, Health, Poems and Christian Stories and Poems |
I love your site. Love the photos. Your Mom is the greatest. I can talk to her about anything.
Keep up the good work and it IS GOOD WORK!!!!!!
Pearlie Mae
03/09/99 01:31:27
Name: nancy lemke | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: internet explorer |
How did you find us?: your mom | What kinds of sites do you visit?: fms/reiki/health |
your mom sent your addy to me..you have a terrific site...i am proud of you too. the longwood gardens is in Penna? i have been there many times. hard to tell from the pics if it is the same one..
03/09/99 01:09:30
Name: Colleen Popp | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer, I think |
How did you find us?: You mom. I suffer with FMS and your mother began writing to me. | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Mostly facts and research about Fibromyalgia. I also enjoy sites about collectibles as a hobby. I'll admit I collect Beanie Babies and I'm 44 and I really like collecting them. |
Hello Jenny,
My name is Colleen Popp and I have been corresponding with your Mother Nancy. She is such a wonderful person and has so much insight about what life means and how to keep the spiritual side of yourself from falling apart although it feels that your body
s going to pot.
I'll admit just like her that the stars are brighter and the flowers really do have a beautiful color and aroma. There are so many things in life I never saw and really looked at them until I came down with FMS. When a person is in such tremendous pain
nd their cries are not heard it is harder having not being heard than it is to have FMS. Since I've been corresponding with your mom I do have more of an open heart. I have learned to cherish more of my family and always tell them that I love them becau
e there may come a time I will not be able to say that to them directly.
I haven't read all of your site but it will be in my favorites so I'll be back. May God bless you and your mom for opening your home and your hearts to others. I'm one of those others who truly appreciate your hospitality. Sincerely, Colleen Popp
03/09/99 00:12:14
Name: Mary Fusillo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: web tv |
How did you find us?: mona sent me the info, we have been e-mail friend for a few months now. | What kinds of sites do you visit?: fibromyalgia,jokes,animal,sewing & crafts |
Great website, so wonderful to put faces to the people you converse with. You have done a great job. Glad to be able to visit, God Bless, Mary
03/08/99 21:54:59
Name: cathy brazzell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: internet explorer |
How did you find us?: friend | What kinds of sites do you visit?: crafts |
03/08/99 20:46:15
Name: Kaye | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: Nancy |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: Family.medical.sports |
Your mom is a penpal of mine and she told me about your site.She has been a real friend, and you should be very proud of her.Your site is wonderful.
03/08/99 11:14:31
Name: Becky | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: webtv |
How did you find us?: your mom | What kinds of sites do you visit?: FMS, depression |
Jenny you did a great job on your website, especially the one on your mom and FMS. I am one of her penpals and your mom has been a big help to me through prayer and her friendship. I think your website will help others who suffer to understand more ab
ut this illness. God Bless, Becky
02/27/99 16:40:07
Name: Craige & Kath | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape Communicator 4.5 |
How did you find us?: alta vista | What kinds of sites do you visit?: varied.. |
We want to say hi and had a great time looking at your website...
keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!
Please visit our web site and sign our guestbook..
Craige and Kath
02/27/99 00:34:35
Name: bubba |
How did you find us?: you typed in the URL for me |
Maybe we should move this site to the blazingly fast @home web space?!?
02/21/99 12:55:42
Name: Kimmi | My URL: Visit Me |
What browser do you use?: IE4.0 | How did you find us?: You signed my guestbook |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: family, christian, kids |
Your site is fun to go through. I thought it was really neat to hear about another family's experiances in life. Your kids are cute. Where in MD are you from? I'm from Frederick.
02/17/99 04:45:49
Name: Grandma Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
Sounds like a busy February so far especially considering it's the shortest month of the year. Congratulations to all of you on making it through the first sleep over. I remember a few of those sleepless nights when you were growing up Jenny. Thanks for t
e updates. mom
02/04/99 19:15:34
Name: Ann Harris |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
BMG Music club site wasn't working so I came here
to see what was new. When it said I was the
2000th visitor I decided I better sign the guest
02/04/99 01:14:00
Name: Karol Sue Bell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: Nancy Bird | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Clipart,medical,etc. |
Hi Jennie....Enjoyed all the new additions on your page.I enjoy seeing and learning more about Nancy
& John's family.You have a wonderful family.
Nancy's email friend.....Sue Bell
01/27/99 07:33:43
Name: shauna | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE 4 |
How did you find us?: viewing another guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: whatever appeals to me at the time |
Hi: I enjoyed my visit to your page. It was very warm and inviting. Thanks for being here. Keep up the good work. ~Shauna~
01/26/99 01:36:55
Name: Jan | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 4.5 and IE 5.0 beta |
How did you find us?: Nancy | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Religious, family, entertainment |
01/21/99 15:17:41
Name: Liv | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 3.04 |
How did you find us?: Guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: family-oriented and graphics sites |
Jenny, you have a lovely family! I think Mike and Kim looked great in their Halloween costumes. I'm revisiting my guests to see how everyone is doing and to let you know I have moved. Do stop by my place when you find the time, I'd love to have you visit.
Maybe take a look at my new graphics, you might find something you like. *smiles*
12/31/98 18:15:01
Name: Sharon Leach | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: Friend | What kinds of sites do you visit?: FMS, |
12/15/98 05:16:27
Name: Grandma Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi Kim and Mike,
Sure looks like you have been having a lot of fun this season. I bet Mommy doesn't find the special elf in the light display. Hugs and snuggles to both of you and Mom and Dad too.
11/14/98 14:23:27
Name: Mary Dudgeon | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 4.0 |
How did you find us?: Nancy e-mailed me | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Celtic culture, and FMS |
I think this site is very informative and uplifting. My FMS is not as advanced as Nancy's but I heartily agree that family support is essential for the mental health of the sufferer.
Thank you and God Bless the Bird and Harris families.
10/27/98 03:51:49
Name: Nancy |
My URL: Visit Me |
October looked as busy and jam packed as all the other months. Anxious to see all of you. Mom
10/12/98 01:29:51
Name: Lisa | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape& MSIE |
How did you find us?: WMWR |
So nice to see a working mom NOT apologizing for the choice! I especially enjoyed reading aobut why you made your choice. Please come visit the Balance page. It's there for working Moms, to give support and advice.
10/06/98 17:29:36
Name: Grandpa and Grandma Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi Kim,
We sure like the picture in your room. Hope you draw one for Grandpa and Grandma when we get there. See you next month.
10/05/98 00:14:35
Name: Mona Pajunen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 4.0 |
How did you find us?: Mom- Nancy | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Medical, cards |
Hi, your Mom sent me your website and I've enjoyed what I've seen so far. Wonderful job! I found the deer especially interesting, since we feed whitetail deer Oct. thru May in our yard.Those pictures do look familiar-we have made alot of animal videos sta
ring "THE WHITETAIL DEER". We live in northern Minesota. Unfortunately the wolf population has started to kill too many deer... Keep up the good work and make sure your Mom takes care!
10/02/98 18:48:42
Name: Steen Brandt | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape |
How did you find us?: Another Guest Book |
Greetings from Denmark. It was a pleasure visiting your site and seeing how
talented and creative you are. I learned a lot from how you designed your
page. I especially liked the way you have arranged your awards. You are more than welcome to visit my
humble home. We always have an empty room so stay as long as you like, the
rent is cheap and the food is good.
If you are looking for a handy way too create an ebcard try
this: create
09/30/98 11:14:35
Name: Terri | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: both |
How did you find us?: You signed my guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Country & Friends |
Hi Jenny, Thank you for your kind words that you left in my guestbook. It has been a rough year to say the least. Guess it's going to get tougher too!
I am a working mom and thank you for the working mom's web ring. Going to join.
I've bookmarked your site so that I can return again.
Have a great day.
09/28/98 01:42:21
Name: Livia | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 3.04 |
How did you find us?: Viewing another guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Graphics, Sesame Street, friends! |
Jenny, I wanted to thank you, I had a great time here! I'm a SAHM, but hey, there are many days when I wish I was a working mom. LOL. I feel it's high time people stopped questioning the intentions of both working moms and stay-at-home moms. Maybe we shou
d start answering questions the way those Mt Everest climbers do when asked why they bother... simply because we can! *smiles* I liked reading about how you de-stress, I agree, we need plenty of rest and many hugs from the family. Best therapy there is. M
mood swings are never going to go away (see, I'm gemini, lol) but at least we know how to relax when we need to. Thanks for sharing, I'm so sorry for rambling, do drop by my place when you find the time, love to have you over! Stay sunny... Liv *smiles*<
09/26/98 01:23:35
Name: rere | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: netscape |
How did you find us?: signed guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: parentsplace.com |
I love the way your page is setup. Looks inviting.
09/25/98 23:25:46
Name: margaret | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: ns 4.0 |
How did you find us?: you told me | What kinds of sites do you visit?: health/home/travel |
Just scanned it and boy, am I impressed!!! WIll ookmark for later. Now Eddy wants a homepage too. I warned him about the junkmail, but he doesn't care....
09/25/98 12:06:05
Name: Geraint Johnes | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE3.02 |
How did you find us?: surfed |
I enjoyed meeting you via your website. The pictures are wonderful and you have a great family. I couldn't access the field trips page - is it up yet? Please visit our site.
09/24/98 13:26:43
Name: Evelyn | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Netscape 4.0 |
How did you find us?: Nancy invited me | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Inspirational, family, craft & fms |
I loved your page because my grandchildren are my greatest treasures, I spend as much time as possible with them. You have beautiful children and I'm happy to see that you're enjoying them so much.Love your mother's attitude to life.By the way, I'm in Aus
09/23/98 09:41:57
Name: Sylvie from Paris France | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: ouh lala know, it's from work... euhhh let's say Netscape but i dont know which number ;-) |
How did you find us?: return your visit ;-) | What kinds of sites do you visit?: mom's home page, kidsongs lyrics, Xmas pages, etc... |
Your pages are Great too ;-) as a working mom you should join this wonderful list at :http://www.moms-refuge.com/list
we have fun here !!! so as i didnt finsish to visit your pages... i go back
kindest regards
09/22/98 11:13:17
Name: Amy T | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer 4 |
How did you find us?: guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: parenting,medical, friends, graphics,educational |
I especially enjoyed your education and your working moms pages. You have a very nice website.~smiles~
Have a great day!
09/21/98 13:06:51
Name: Linda Clemens | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer |
How did you find us?: your Mom Nancy | What kinds of sites do you visit?: news, Christian |
Everything is very interesting. I am fairly new on the internet so have lots of exploring to do. I would like to get to a good Christian site, do you know one? Thanks
09/16/98 08:39:41
Name: Sara | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: eh... one that works? |
How did you find us?: through another guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: All kinds -nowadays such that are family/parenting/pregnancy/baby related.... |
...'cause I'll be part of the mommy club soon! I am amazed with the work you have done on your pages. They are excellent! Graphics, loading time, lay-out, contents.... I liked the lot!Keep up the good work!
09/15/98 07:20:57
Name: Mummy1 | My URL: Visit Me |
How did you find us?: you signed our guestbook | What kinds of sites do you visit?: parenting,poetry and many others |
I really enjoyed my visit and will return to check your updates
Takecare :0)
09/15/98 02:13:23
Name: Nancy Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
looks like September is going to be as busy as every other month. Nice Sept. page.
09/14/98 05:40:49
Name: Brenda | My URL: Visit Me |
How did you find us?: Through Web Ring | What kinds of sites do you visit?: Christian Sites, FMS Sites |
Jenny, Your pages are so informative and I'm so glad I came here. I have FMS and for a long time I denied I even had it. When I was reading your mom's story, I realized I could of written it about myself. Two doctors have confirmed FMS for me but it's
ard to accept I guess. God Bless you and your mom, I wish she didn't have to suffer.
09/12/98 23:56:53
Name: BECKY COSTILL | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: AOL |
How did you find us?: KATHY TOLD ME | What kinds of sites do you visit?: CHRISTIAN ONLINE, TY BEANNIES |
09/12/98 19:45:18
Name: Kathy Bird |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
I read the FMS page because Nancy is my mom, also. I was struck by how much what I read on your home page reminded me of the realities of the lives of those with whom I work everyday, not FMS folks, but folks with HIV/AIDS. The lack of a cure, the lack of
support and understanding, the reality of being judged, the presence of IBS from side effects and the overwhelming presence of medications are all the same. I work to recruit and train volunteers to help folks with AIDS.... maybe someone needs to do the s
me for folks living with FMS! Thanks for your page Jenny!
09/06/98 23:42:44
Name: Sian Obermaier | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | How did you find us?: Nancy |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: music,art,environment,complementary therapies |
Hello to the Harris family.I was headed in this direction by Grandma Bird,as I am a cyber friend and fellow FMS sufferer,although here in the UK we call it M.E.I'm 25 and after having a relapse earlier on in the year am trying to regain my health through
iet and rest.Nancy is a lovely woman and there is obviously alot of love in this family.Your homepage is an insight into American family life and thankyou also for including FMS.As you can see,there are alot of us! Best wishes to all the Harris family and
to other FMS visitors.
09/04/98 15:32:31
Name: Gilles Girard | My URL: Visit Me |
What browser do you use?: Internet Explorer | How did you find us?: original |
What kinds of sites do you visit?: fibromyalgia home pages |
I am a man 55 year old. My mailing address is: GILLES GIRARD, 6182 bOUL. TALBOT, LATERRIERE, (Qc) CANADA G0V 1K0. My telephone nunber is: 1-418-678-9997. I am not connected to Internet yet. From what I can see from all the sites I visited concerning fibro
yalgia, I surely am the oldest survivor of FMS/CFS; 37 years to be exact. I do not know how I managed to cope with the fatigue aand the pain all this years. I all started at the aage of 18 following double TABTD innoculations when I joined the Canadian Ar
ed Forces in 1962. My story is actually one of the best documented in the world. When the Canadian Armed Forces realised what they had done, they threw me out of the service and they took care to hide the facts about what happened. I have no disability pe
sion from the Canadian Governement. Here the battle goes on beetween those who are for mass vaccination and those who are against it; nothing for the victims like me. I promess a reply for those who write to me about it and few tricks on how to survive to
fibromyalgia. AU REVOIR!
09/02/98 07:09:26
Name: Suzanne Harris | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | What browser do you use?: IE4.0 |
How did you find us?: Mom emailed me about it | What kinds of sites do you visit?: all kinds |
You did a really great job with this!! When (and if) I ever get my site going, I'd like to link them together. I especially like the FMS parts. I've thought for years I had carpal tunnel in both hands, and now they tell me I don't. Looks like the firs
steps on the road to full blown FMS for me...thanks for putting all that information in one place.
Keep up the good work, and hug my neice and nephew for me!
09/02/98 01:28:20
| Comments: Hi everyone I am a friend of Nancy and have just visited your site for the first time.I haven't looked at everything yet due to lack of time,however I will return later. What I have seen is great,keep up the good work. |
| Comments: After one year of hip pain, leg aches, etc. and through a series of MRII's CT SCan, X-rays, blood tests, the doctors now tell me they feel I have fybromyalgia. I am trying to learn as much as I can on how to feel better! |
| Comments: Your mother Nancy is a very busy woman. She invited me to drop in on you - and you have done a lovely job! I wonder if you are related to any Birds in California? Elaine, on the Calif Central Coast |
| Comments: Wonderful!!! |
| Comments: Hi! I'm a friend of Nancy's; she is so proud of the wonderful job you have done with your home page! And, it is wonderful...beautiful pictures and good information on FMS. I too live with FMS, perhaps one day you too can visit my site. Thanks to Nancy for iviting me here...Hugs |
| Comments: Hi!! I am a new friend of your mother , she told me about your page. I like the way you wrote everything. You have given me an idea for my next short story . I will write about people like Nancy and me who have FMS . How each person copes Lynn |
| Comments: The smart cousin :-) |
| Comments: Hi Jenny, I am a friend of your mom's (fms email pal), and you have a wonderful site. I know how proud your mom is of this site, and I myself am proud of you for including the fms information. Your mom is a very special person, and I can see that her influence an intelligence has certainly carried over to you. I will come back to your site to keep updated with your family. It is very interesting to learn about your family ventures. The photo's are wonderful. Pat Holderby |
| Comments: Hi there Harris family, I have enjoyed visiting your home on the web! You've done a fantastic job. Your site is very interesting and easy to navigate. Keep up the great work. Drop by my website anytime. Judi |
| Comments: Jenny, I think is very commendable of you to share this page in honor of your mother. I correspond with her even though I do not have FMS. We have become great friends. She is a wonderful person with a great sense of humor to be living with such a terrible disability. Mary |
| Comments: What a wonderful idea. Now I know who and what the people who have become very close friends to me really look like. The pictures were so beautiful and even the beautiful deers. It was such a calming experience to see them. Thank you so much for invititing me to meet and see your family. Shirley |
| Comments: |
| Comments: John thank you for sending this to us WONDERFUL site !! you should be verry proud! Doug and Cody |
| Comments: Hi I'm one of Nancy's penpals. She sent me the addy of your homepage because she's so proud of you & because of the FMS. I've only had a brief time to look @ it this morning, but so far I like what I've seen. I'm forwarding it to a friend who's wife has FMS. Lorene |
| Comments: Great site! I am also suffering with FMS. I am doing a research paper for My college English II. I am inhopes to discover some new information that may help other sufferers.I am not including my URL, but Alex Pufhal sent me and you can get intouch with e through him. When I am done with my research project I will put it on this site and if this info helps any one that will be good. Thank you for the information. Deena Myers A 34 yr old sufferer. |
| Comments: Hi! I'm one of your mom's email pals from Illinois. I enjoyed your site very much--your mom sent a letter to give me your address. She's a special person and so are you! Mona Bukowski |
| Comments: Your web site is awesome !!!! Full of interesting family news, places, and sites to see. Your Mom has to be very proud of the Fibromyalgia site you put together in her honor. I am also a fibromite and have sent your site to others, that have this invisabl disease, it is very informative and the support page is wonderfully done. I sent that to members of my family, in hopes it will help them to understand this disease, hearing it from someone else other than myself. You know how it is, we look normal just atter and slower. Thank you for taking the time to explain this disease, and the time you took to get the point across, that WE ARE the same person inside |
| Comments: |
| Comments: You have a very nice webpage. I have especially enjoyed reading your tips about fibromyalgia. I also enjoyed the information you so generously included about your mom, Nancy. You owe her a lot of thanks for sending all of her e-mail buddies the informa ion about your web site. Hope you enjoy continued success. |
| Comments: What a great "home". I loved it. Your Mom is my pen pal and we both share fibromyalgia. I now know her family. Thanks for including FMS. |
| Comments: Hi Jenny, I am a e-mail friend of your Mom's and sure have enjoyed talking to her. She, naturally, directed me to your homepage and I know now why she is so proud of you and your family. We both brag alot about our children and grandchildren. Keep up the good work. I also have fibro. Love to your beautiful family, Julia |
| Comments: Jenny,I just finished a wonderful, relaxing walk through your homeand I loved every minute.I am also a fibromite and have become friends with your Mom thru E MAIL.I won't take up much of your time,but will write you later on a more personal basis.You have a wonderful family and I think everyone who visits you would enjoy seeing a picture of ALL OF YOU......Including John and Nancy.Keep up the good work..... You Mom's E MAIL friend...Karol Bell |
| Comments: thanks for the invite! |
| Comments: I take great pleasure in reading these pages since I have seen the effort and love that has gone into them. Thank you so very much.You make a dad proud. Love, Dad |
| Comments: Hi Just wanted to stop in & let you know I enjoyed my visit to your place & to thank-you for joining the Heartland Select. Keep up the super work!! I enjoyed my visit :o) Kathy & "Heartland Select" |
| Comments: You have such a wonderful site. Keep up the good work. Thanx for visiting my site. |
| Comments: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for putting into words all the feelings that I've had about being a working mom. It's so good to know that I'm not alone. |
| Comments: Your new education page looks great. I like the crayons on the side. Lots of good information on it as well. Keep up the good work, Mom |
| Comments: Hi Jenny, Made it to your hompage! Mark |
| Comments: Hi, Thank you for stopping by my site and for signing our guestbook. You have a really nice family. I like your page, keep up the good work.....see you in the net.... Markus ![]() |
| Comments: Just surfed into your site and really enjoyed my visit to your site.
| Comments: Hi, Enjoyed reading about your family and all the stuff going on. If you get the opportunity send me a note at my Email address. I'm in Tulsa playing golf for 10 days in a row. Love, Uncle Robert |
| Comments: Jenny, I love your graphics and color schemes. I also like the idea of front door and rooms. Pretty cool! ![]() |
| Comments: Hi! Thanks for signing our guestbook at the Horton Family Homepage. Your site is fantastic! Gives us something to work toward. Especially love the Harris Happenings. What a wonderful way to stay in touch with everyone! Keep up the super job. |
| Comments: Nice Page ![]() |
| Comments: Thanks for signing my GB and leading me over here! You have a great page and a very beautiful family! The kids are the cutest! I'm a SAHM and I love it. I too have had questions on whether I should work or not, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I' glad your not beating yourself up over returning to work. In this day and age, Mom's can do ANYTHING! And it's not what a Mom does that makes her a Mom...... it's how much she loves. And I can tell that you love your kids and that you spend as much tim as humanly possible with them. It looks like you're doing a GREAT job! Thank you for letting me visit, and good luck in the future! |
| Comments: What a nice page you have. The kids are adorable. I don't see too many sites dedicated to family values and togetherness. You've done a great job. Keep up the great work. :) |
| Comments: Changes look good from this end. |
| Comments: You have a lovely homepage! Your kids are cute. My youngest is about 6 months younger than your son. She really enjoyed kindergarten last year. Your graphics are pretty, too! My kids also enjoy Magic School Bus and Arthur! |
| Comments: I got back.. We are on unlimited AOL now so I will probably checkin more often Grandpa Jim |
| Comments: Pictures look great!! Looks like a nice place to visit. Love, Gma |
| Comments: Cute kids! |
| Comments: Enjoyed reading your story as a fellow working mum it's nice to see that there are others who are of the same opinion albiet a minority. Come and visit me and my family at our web home, I'm from Australia and have been on the web for a long time now so it s great to see other mums getting into the internet thing as well. Nice meeting you! |
| Comments: Hey Fellow working mom! I also have a site for working moms and I'm real new at the website thing also. I just joined the working moms ring, so I'm not on the ring yet. I'll be #21 if they ever get me in the ring. I love the look and feel of your website! |
| Comments: Just me again. Keeping up with the news. |
| Comments: We actually logged in twice, because grandpa hit the wrong button, while changing from one Frosty picture to another. Looks like a fun trip. Thanks for all the good work. |
| Comments: Neat Kid's rooms. I have to agree with Mike on the "recess" class being the best class of the day! Can't wait til we get our own computer so we can play on this at home. Guess that's all for now. Love ya all, Grandma. |
| Comments: Hey Jen! Good job!! Now I've got to play 'catch-up'! |
| Comments: This looks like a lot of fun. Can't wait to see more and to show Donna when she gets home this evening. 3/30/98 7:43 AM PS Rob sent me the address |