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Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)

Dedicated to my mother, Nancy Bird
(Last Updated:  April 1, 1999)
(*)What is FMS? 

Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a mysteriously debilitating syndrome. It is not physically damaging to the body in any way, but is characterized by widespread chronic musculoskeletal pain, aching or stiffness, accompanied by multiple tender or trigger points, painful or restricted movement, persistant fatigue, disturbed sleep, and depression. 

<<More about FMS Symptoms and Indications...>>
(*)What causes Fibromyalgia? 

The exact cause of Fibromyalgia is unknown. Many different factors, alone or in combination may trigger this disorder. In recent years, studies have shown that in FMS, the muscle is especially vulnerable to decreased circulation and minor injury. Research has also looked at the role of certain hormones or body chemicals that may alter pain, sleep, and mood. 

(*)What are the treatments? 

There seem to be as many treatments as there are doctors!  The bottom line is that there is no cure, and so physicians try to treat the pain and make the patient's life more comfortable. This can be done through the use of medication, diet and exercise, as well as other more holistic treatments. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they can cause poor sleep quality. 

(*)Meet my Mom 

My Mom, Nancy Bird, has been diagnosed with FMS, and is learning to live with her new circumstances as best she can.  Follow the links below to learn more about her story and her strategies for coping with FMS. 

If you have your own FMS story to share, if you know of some good FMS-related links, or if you just want to chat, just email Nancy, or email me

 (*)From the Pen of Nancy Bird 

 My mom has used her computer and the internet to meet a wonderful network of penpals. Through emails, they discuss everything from their families and hobbies to the latest medical treatments and physical annoyances from day to day. She has become very close to many of them, and has written some special notes which she would like to share with any FMS survivors or their support structure. She has also started to try her hand at poetry.  Please read these writings for my mom's outlook on dealing with FMS. They are from her heart, and go out to anyone who has been affected by FMS. 

(*)FMS Links and Resources

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FMS Links and Resources


(*)Learned Organizations:

(*)General Resources:

(*)Living with FMS:


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Graphics by Kathi Icon Bazaar Heartland Graphics