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My name is Aker ( my name comes from Egyption mythology which means ("the lion who guards the gates of dawn" ). I'm the ruler of the household. I was purchased from our local SPCA in November '92. I'm a strawberry-blonde domestic short hair and I may have a little Siamese in me as I have a strident voice which announces to the world that I was born to be waited on hand and foot. I try to demand attention at the most inconvenient moments. I'm extremely affectionate and love to nibble on my human's chin. And if attention is not forthcoming promptly, I climb on top of the kichen cabinets and wail letting you know that if you don't rectify the situation immediately I will leap off the cupboards and to my death below ( and it will be all your fault!! ).
I was diagnosed with Progressive Retinal Atrophy in January 99 ( later our Vet decided it was SARDS which stands for Sudden Accelerated Retinal Detachment Syndrome) after my humans noticed that I was tripping over things and bumping into objects for a few months. Then my pupils began to enlarge until they totally were blown wide and it was then they found out I had become blind. Sadly there is no cure. I manage very well as long as my humans remember not to move the furniture around or leave objects lying in my path. My ears and my whiskers serve me very well. I am just as spoiled and I still keep my humans in line and remind them who is boss.
For your cat's safety he should be kept indoors. Feed him in the same location every day. Keep the litter box in the same spot. Use toys that are scented with catnip so that he can easily locate them to play with. Become more verbal with your cat. Teach him words like: careful, kitchen, come, up, goodies, etc.... Use sounds ( like snapping your fingers, scratching or tapping on a surface ) to help him navigate surfaces. Don't move your furniture around too much as your cat does memorize it's location.
My hobbies include: birdwatching ( bird listening now ), watching ( listening to ) the toilet flush and the kitchen sink drain( I am facinated with vortices).
Favorite activities: checking my territory, pacing in front of the computer and sitting on the keyboard when my human is playing with the computer, and snoozing in front of the fireplace. Hitching a ride on my human's lap with she operates the scooter or pushes her wheelchair ( I prefer the scooter as I like the way the wind ruffles through my whiskers ).
Favorite treats: handpeeled shrimp ( not machine peeled! ), canned tuna and bits of cold roast and let's not forget every cat's insatiable weakness CATNIP!!!!!!!
Photo of me and one of my humans
I was a clever kitten and very mischievious. When the phone
rang I would knock it off the hook. If you spent too much time
on the toilet I would hook your backside ( I wanted my human to get
off the toilet so I could watch it flush ). If my human was out for too
long I would shred a four roll package of toilet
paper and a two pack of paper towel leaving it lying just in front of the front
door where my humans would quickly get the point! The humans kept the
paper towel on top of the fridge and the toilet paper in a cupboard under the
sink but this didn't stop me managing this feat as a little kitty!!
Photo of me and Bast ( I have many important visitors)
My humans tell me I'm their very special guy and that I'm their fourth cat ruler and even though I accidently broke both of one of my humans legs in five places and left her permanently in a wheelchair, my humans refused to part with me. They adore me that much!!
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Photo of our neat cat box lifter (designed and built by a wonderful volunteer from Tetra Society of North America It sure makes for easier cleaning. No bending over! Just turn the handle to raise the litterbox up to a comfortable height.
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Siamese Internet Cat ClubOct 3-98
Welcome to ABCDJKLMNPRSWY Cats Club
Welcome to the cat fancier web site!
Things You can Learn From Your Cat
How To Toilet Train Your Cat July 28 - 2000
CFA Health Committee Feline DiabetesOct 3-98
Cat Humor:
Bad Kitty ListJuly 28 - 2000
The Freddie Street Cats ( Come in pull up a cushion, grab yourselves a juicy mouse and make yourselves comfortable. )July 28 - 2000
The Goddess Bast and All Things Egyption:
Bubastis: Welcome to the house of catsJan 29-99
Egyption Mythology ( Great place for Egyptian names )
Egyption Astro-Guide For A Happy Feline
Catty clipart and greeting cards:
Animals-cats-WebClipArt Net Links
Animal photos & Art and information :