Here are more pictures of the farm!

This was sunrise at the farm taken in September, 1998. Beat the chickens up that morning.

Here is looking north towards the farm from the south eastern edge of my property. The barn was built in 1918, and the shed to the right was built in 1924. Both have had extensive repairs made in 1992 and 1993. This shot was taken June, 1998.

The Farmall Bridgade. This barn has raised pigs, cows, horses, sheep, groundhogs, racoons, kittens, pidgeons, mice, rats and now Farmalls. There is also a 1941 Farmall H lurking in there which use to be my grandpa's but now is owned by Ernie. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, what is it doing in my barn??

A visitor to my farm. This is my grandpa's 1941 H with a JD #5 sickle bar mower. Ernie bought it from Grandpa back in 1983. It now resides in my barn and I use it to mow the roadsides. Hopefully some day Ernie and I can come to terms and I can own it.

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You might be a HOOSIER if

The Farm in 1990

Painting the Farmhouse in 1998

More more Pictures of the Farm, Harvest 1997, 1998.

The 1938 F-20 at the farm.

Our place in Indianapolis

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Day She Arrived

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The before pictures and the beginning of the overhaul

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Teardown Continues

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. More Teardown Pictures

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Rebuilding Begins

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. More Rebuilding Pictures

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Finale

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. THE GRAND FINALE

The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Parade Ready Pictures!

The 1999 Soybean Harvest at the Farm

The Farm in the Spring of 2000>

The 1971 John Deere 4400 Combine

More pictures of the 1971 John Deere Combine

Antique Tractor Parts for Sale

Links and emails to Farmall H and F-20 parts