The following 5 pictures are of the Farmall in the garage as I begin to tear her down.

Here is Corey "wrenchin" away. I would break the bolts and nuts loose and she would finish removing them.

Red's Thrifty Shop. You can have the battery box for $88 and the radiator for $172. Just don't add water!

The Farmall is now nearly town down and ready for some serious cleaning.

Here is Corey scraping away Friday evening March 5, 1999. The dust got to her allergies so she took a break on Saturday.

Since my photographic memory is out of film, I placed rotated the crank until #1 piston was on top dead center and the distributor was pointing at #1 spark plug lobe on the cap. I removed the assembly for easier cleaning. I have been known to stick one of those back in 180 degrees out of phase. Hmmmmm.
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The Farm in 1990
More Pictures of the Farm
Painting the Farmhouse in 1998
More More Pictures of the Farm. Harvest 1997, 1998
Our place in Indianapolis
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Day She Arrived
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Before Pictures And The Beginning Of The Overhaul
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. More Teardown Pictures
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Rebuilding Begins
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. More Rebuilding Pictures
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Finale
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. THE GRAND FINALE
The 1951 Farmall H at Indy. The Parade Ready Pictures!
The 1999 Soybean Harvest at the Farm
The Farm in the Spring of 2000
The 1971 John Deere 4400 Combine
More Pictures of the 1971 John Deere 4400 Combine
Antique Tractor Parts for Sale
Links and emails to Farmall H and F-20 parts