This page is dedicated to my mom and dad who have been married 60 years on September 3, 1999.
They have been there for me my entire life whenever I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to bounce an idea off and, yes, even bailed me out financially a few times.
I know I don't tell them enough how much I love and appreciate them. They are two of the most unselfish people that I know.
Here are some verses that I found in a book by Helen Steiner Rice that I think reflect a little of their philosophy of life.
Life Is a Highway
Life is a highway
on which the years go by...
Sometimes the road is level,
sometimes the hills are high...
But as we travel onward
to a future that's unknown
We can make each mile we travel
a "heavenly stepping-stone"!
Try It It Works!
Stop wishing for things
you complain you have not
And start making the best
of all that you've got.

Is Life Worth Living?
The great and small...the good and bad,
The young and old...the sad and glad
Are asking today, "Is life worth living?"
And the answer is only in loving and giving--
For only love can make man kind
And kindness of heart brings peace of mind.
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Mary Drye
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