Jasmine - 09/20/00 13:27:39
My URL:http://members.spree.com/funngames/kindred_spirits/
My Email:kindreds@crosswinds.net
How did your hear about my pages?: through the rose garden webring
Where are your from?: Kindred Spirits
You are cordially invited to join Kindred Spirits.
Kindred Spirits is a internet group devoted to women a group where all
women are welcome. It's our hope through this group of Kindred Spirits that women
will see they are not alone,
find comfort when they hurt,
find hope when there is
only despair. We will show them that there are many Kindred Spirits
waiting for them.
Kindred Spirits is a great
place to meet friends.
We have several great committees for members to
become involved in.
Feel free to stop by and take a peek.
We hope you will consider joining our group..
Kindred Spirits.
Bettye Williams - 06/16/00 11:59:19
My URL:http://www.mydeja.homestead.com
My Email:bettyew2@excite.com
How did your hear about my pages?: From clementine site
Where are your from?: Florida
This is so special. clem is lucky to have a friend like you.
Jessie drye - 05/15/00 12:14:00
My Email:you know this one!
How did your hear about my pages?: YOU!
Where are your from?: Same house as you!
Great job. This is great.
Mary Louise Warren - 04/10/00 01:03:42
My Email:deborahparrett@Earthlink.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Deb Parrett
Where are your from?: Mayville
Beautiful web pages!! You have lots more to look
at and listen to-next time I have 2-3 hours to
browse your site! ML also enjoyed your music
selections! Love Deb and
Julie - 04/08/00 22:55:13
My Email:vavo2@ctol.net
How did your hear about my pages?: Clem
Where are your from?: CT
This is Julie, Grace's sister.
Thank you SOOOO much for attaching my sister's page to your web site. Hopefully we can put some closure to this awful nightmare. God Bless and Thanks again
Tom O'Connor Comedian - 04/05/00 18:20:43
My URL:http://www.tomoconnor.co.uk
My Email:info@tomoconnor.co.uk
How did your hear about my pages?: Just Found it by accident
Where are your from?: Liverpool
First class page for me to say hi to all my friends around the world.
My web www.tomoconnor.co.uk.
P.S My manager would like to contact an old friend Tony Coleman Somewhere in Australia if anybody knows him could you pass on my E-Mail to him.
Cheers Tom O'Connor Scouse Comic.
DD Cerridwen - 03/27/00 20:27:09
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.
What a nice site and a way to remember good and treasured friends.,
Thank you for sharing.
Sparrow - 03/13/00 09:59:11
My URL:http://www.lexicon.net/sparrow
My Email:carrieblythe@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: LOTH
Where are your from?: Australia
Hi, I've enjoyed looking around your site *S* and wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Brian Gotts - 03/12/00 04:07:45
My Email:sttog@iinet.net.au
How did your hear about my pages?: From the Web
Where are your from?: Australia
Hi Mary thanks for the info on the Gotts in that part of the world. Great web site
Clementine Clay - 12/31/99 08:20:21
My URL:/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: You are my friend! :-)
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor, FL ~ U.S.A.
Mary, my dear friend--Well, here we are on the edge of a brand new century...can you believe it? As we move into Y2K, I want to tell you how much our friendship means to me. An old friend and Elm Street neighbor from my Stonington days sent me t
is poem which I would like to pass along to you. My best wishes to you and yours in 2000 for all God's blessings.
Hi Clem.
Val forwarded your pages to me. Enjoyed them!
Hope you are well. I'm heading for Largo next
Have a wonderful New Year.
Val - 12/27/99 19:43:20
My Email:valfid@webtv.net
Barbara Haring - 12/20/99 02:10:07
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/aspens/ASPEN.html
My Email:aspen@bconnex.net
How did your hear about my pages?: Clems page
Where are your from?: Ontario, Canada
Just love your site ... especially the poems, they are soooooooo true..enjoyed reading them
Wishing you a Great Holiday Season
Mary Drye - 12/11/99 16:34:50
My URL:/heartland/fields/5782
My Email:marydrye@hotmail.com
How did your hear about my pages?: ME
Where are your from?: FL
I am signing this to see if it works.
Mary - 11/20/99 00:44:56
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/mrrusch/remember.htm
My Email:mrrusch@gte.net
How did your hear about my pages?: you know :)
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor
The new addtions look really great. See ya soon :)
Clementine Clay - 10/27/99 10:02:19
My URL:/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: My good friend, Mary, told me!
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor, FL
Here is a poem (author unknown) for you. I hope you will enjoy it because it seems quite appropriate for the friendship we share!
Happy Anniversary, again! I couldn't open the cake at home, so I waited until I got to work.
Great work!!!!!
Love you all,
Jessie D - 09/05/99 00:46:55
My Email:jessd90089@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Grandma, Mary D.
Where are your from?: FL
Hi Everyone!!!!!!!! Happy Anniversary Grandma, Grandma and Grandpa, Grandpa. I hope you have a great time. I love you very much. Jessie
Renee - 08/22/99 00:14:37
My URL:http://www.compu-ad.net/public/kids.htm
My Email:renee@compu-ad.net
How did your hear about my pages?: another sie
Where are your from?: Hesperia
just looking for a chat with someone who has common interests.
Donnamarie - 07/10/99 20:34:23
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/homemadeinc
My Email:donnamariew@hotmail.com
How did your hear about my pages?: LOTH eCircles
Where are your from?: Florida
Thoroughly enjoyed my visit here with you. Lovely pages! Also wanted to say hello to a fellow LOTH sister. I do hope you will come by and visit with me at HomeMadeInc or DJ's Designs at http://www.homestead.com/DJsDesigns !!!
- 06/02/99 23:45:38
Tracy Dotson - 06/02/99 10:35:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot@eastky.net
How did your hear about my pages?: surfed in
Where are your from?: Edgarton, W.Va
very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day
Tracy Dotson - 06/02/99 10:35:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot@eastky.net
How did your hear about my pages?: surfed in
Where are your from?: Edgarton, W.Va
very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day
Wendy Drye - 04/04/99 05:58:54
My Email:wldrye@hotmail.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Dear Friend
Where are your from?: Daytona Beach
To lady that will always be my dearest and best friend. I Love You Mom!!!
Kathleen B - 03/17/99 18:54:23
My URL:/Heartland/4251
My Email:mammawk6@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: You visited me, Thanks!
Where are your from?: NC
Hi, Mary! Thanks for the visit. I see you are really learning that HTML stuff. Your site is coming along great!
Diana - 03/12/99 22:09:47
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net
How did your hear about my pages?: From Loth
Where are your from?: N.H.
Hi Mary ! We in New England are still in the clutches of Winter, and it sure is nice reading all about your Florida garden, makes me long for Spring!! I enjoyed my visit here with you!!
Erin Yorke - 03/12/99 16:13:04
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~YorkeE/index.html
How did your hear about my pages?: You signed my guestbook
Where are your from?: Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
You have a nice page here. Thanks for your kind words in my guestbook.
Becky - 02/28/99 13:10:55
My URL:http://naplesfl.net/~petunia7
My Email:petunia7@mediaone.net
How did your hear about my pages?: 50+
Where are your from?: Florida
Another great page!!! I have a friend that I went to elementary school with and we are still best friends. We were riding our bicycles 30 years ago and we are still riding them. Just the other day we went 20 miles, not bad for a grandmother.
Jessie your gradduaghter - 02/19/99 00:52:37
My Email:jessd90089@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: GRANDMA(It's her page!)
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor (Grandma & Granpas house)
HI! Your web site is cool but you need to put me on it!!!!!!!OK? Love You : Jessie :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
- 02/19/99 00:48:44
Steve Corke aka The_Bigcat - 02/18/99 09:34:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/8701/
My Email:stephenc@ancc.com.au
How did your hear about my pages?: Viewing another Guestbook
Where are your from?: Australia
For someone just learning HTML you are doing a great job. I also found the page to be very informative.
Clementine Clay - 02/15/99 10:17:13
My URL:/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: From my best friend...YOU! :-)
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor, FL - U.S.A.
Hi, Mary--I just love the midi files you have
installed on your pages...keep up the GREAT
job you are doing!
Here are a few words for you, right from my heart...With love and smiles, Clem
Mary, your pages are coming along very nicely! Keep up the good work!
Countrygirl - 02/06/99 03:30:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/9671
How did your hear about my pages?: You
great page,, thanks for visting my page and signing my guestbook.
Sweeti - 01/30/99 05:08:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/7478/index.html
My Email:artfreaks@hotmail.com
How did your hear about my pages?: From the Garden House
Where are your from?: Indonesia
![]() |
Hello Mary, looks like we're on the same GH Valentine List, so I decided to stop by and say "Hi!" You have a pretty site! Keep it up. It's nice to have such talented sisters. Anyway, happy early V-day!! love, sweeti a GH sis |
Hi Mary: I'm just now visiting your page, and very nice it is. I'm working on the library page so I'm finally going to link to yours. Fun, fun.
Judith Havens Altug - 01/24/99 01:38:21
My Email:jaltug@juno.com
How did your hear about my pages?: From you
Where are your from?: Ypsilanti, Michigan
Hi Cousin,
I dropped by to check out your web page.
Lucy - 01/17/99 16:44:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/3512
My Email:stroupetz@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: link
Where are your from?: Bulgaria
Hey you site is so cool!
Come and visit me!
Kathleen aka GrannieRose - 01/11/99 21:26:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4251
My Email:grannierose@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: You told me, thanks a bunch!!! of roses, of course!
Where are your from?: NC
Hi Mary, I'm going to add you to our pages as soon as I peruse your site. Looks like you've learned a great deal!!! It's great!
Kathleen aka GrannieRose - 01/11/99 21:25:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/4251
My Email:grannierose@yahoo.com
How did your hear about my pages?: You told me, thanks a bunch!!
Where are your from?: NC
Hi Mary, I'm going to add you to our pages as soon as I peruse your site. Looks like you've learned a great deal!!! It's great!
Bob L. - 01/10/99 12:37:53
How did your hear about my pages?: Thru Clem's page
Where are your from?: Pawcatuck, CT
Mary, You and I are both lucky to know Clem because she is a terrific person...I have known her since grammar school in Stonington, CT, when
I first moved there. I hope that I will always have her as a friend because she is very special to me and, as you know, to many others. You did a great job on this page for her. Take good care of Clem, okay? Clem's friend, Bob L.
Luddy - 01/06/99 04:50:11
My URL:http://www.surfsouth.com/~luddy
My Email:luddy@surfsouth.com
How did your hear about my pages?: "Our" Friend, Clem ; )
Where are your from?: GEORGIA
Hi Mary! What a beautiful tribute to such a sweet lady!! Even though I've never had the pleasure of meeting Clem and don't get a chance to visit with her as much as I wish I could, she has certainly touched my life in many ways with her inspiring site a
d endearing memories from her childhood. I'm really anxious to see your other pages! Based on what I have seen here, you are doing a really great job! I'm off now to find out more about "Mary" ; ) Wishing you a Very Happy New Year!!
Hi Mary Happy New Year & I just surfed via a pot of gold at Rainbow end link from your friend Clems site & came to your site. I like it a lot. You have a super great site. I do like your old friends poem about Clem & if you want a new friend like me we c
uld be Email Pen Pal friends if you would like. On your index page I do like what you said about learning HTML 4. I am very good at reading the HTML language. I edit a lot of my own pages & fix things that way. I know that Sierra & Parsons came out with n
w Web Making Tools but I already use Adobe Page Mill & Microsoft Word as my web making tools right now. So please come on down to my Website tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerley
Edward Kleiner
Your friend, Clem - 01/02/99 02:42:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Well, I know you, VERY well!
Where are your from?: Just around the corner from you!
Mary, my dear friend--
1999 has arrived! Happy New Year, my friend! I could not let the first day of the New Year pass without leaving a few special words for you...may these words express to you my fondest wishes for you and your loved ones during 1999!
--With New Year's smiles, Clem
Hi Mary, I am here to say hello. Secret Pal.
Faye - 12/29/98 06:42:08
My URL:http://members.delphi.com/Faye/Index.html
My Email:faye@hartingdale.com.au
How did your hear about my pages?: My Cyber sister Clem
Where are your from?: Sydney NSW Australia
Pleased to see that you and Clem are such good old friends.Its nice to know that although we are oceans apart and my NEVER MEET the people we meet here on the net can form a bond of friendship that can never be broken.Hoping I can become a new friend for
ou from Australia..
H. Stan Smith & Russ Rivenburg - 12/28/98 04:29:01
My Email:russjr@gnv.fdt.net
How did your hear about my pages?: Your parents
Where are your from?: Chiefland, FL
Great website. Must learn to do one myself some time. Your site address was mailed to us in a Christmas card from your parents. We are purchasing a home of them here in Chiefland.
Stan and Russ
Jeanette - 12/26/98 23:32:05
My Email:horsepoor@jps.net
How did your hear about my pages?: Clem
Where are your from?: California
Clem wanted me to see what a special gift your friendship was to her. I agree with you--Clem is a very special lady. I only know her through the internet. I often visit the site she has done for Harry. Friends like Clem only come in a lifetime!
some people come into our lives
and quickly go.......
others stay for awhile and
touch our hearts and
we are never the same!
Jennifer - 12/26/98 13:11:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Poetta1/index.htm
My Email:Poetta1@aol.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Clem sent me!
Where are your from?: Georgia
What a wonderful page!!!! I only know Clem thru the internet, so have never had the privilege of meeting her in person .. isn't she SUPER??!!!! And so are you for doing this page for her .. I can tell it was a "labor of love" and you've done a wonderful j
b!!! Friends like you are something we could all use more of .. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
Diane Kearney - 12/26/98 01:43:28
My Email:ButtonMur@aol.com
How did your hear about my pages?: Clem
Where are your from?: Rochester, NH
As a long time friend of Clem, you have indeed honored her as she deserves. She's one of the most giving and caring people I've ever had the privilege of knowing and loving! Even though we don't see each other often, when we do meet face-to-face, it's li
e we just left off of our conversation yesterday. True friends are like that - never an uncomfortable feeling after a long space of time - they always know and understand how you feel as you do about them.
Keep up the good work ~~ I know that Clem will help you along the way with pure unselfishness.
God Bless you both!
April Coker - 12/25/98 19:49:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/1391
My Email:acoker1@planttel.net
How did your hear about my pages?: ICQ message
Where are your from?: Georgia
What a nice page you did for Clem. I feel exactly the same way about her also. She is always willing to go the extra mile for anyone, anytime. I feel very blessed that she is in my life as well. I am going to check out the rest of your pages. Merry Ch
istmas and Happy New Year!!!
Enjoyed your page. I am a friend of Clem's perhaps she has spoken of me to you. today is a very hard day for me, my first Christmas without my dear son "Old friends" means so much to me. I have the video of my favorite group the Gaither's
Hope you have a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year.
Linda - 12/25/98 14:57:16
How did your hear about my pages?: My cyberfriend, Clem
Where are your from?: Michigan, USA
Thank you for giving us very kind words to say to our friends. Friends old and new are so dear to us. As old friends stick with us through the years we meet new ones a long the way. Friends bring us such joy, love and encouragement. Friends are there when
others are not. I am very blessed to have met your friend Clem through cyberspace and I, too have been blessed to know her. God was given us a wonderful gift when we can call someone "friend". Thank you for sharing the lovely poems about friends.
Boyd Fallwell - 12/25/98 14:37:27
My URL:http://www.honorguard.org
My Email:Boyd@honorguard.org
How did your hear about my pages?: Clem
Where are your from?: Oklahoma City
Mary, Any friend of Clem is a friend of mine. Howdy friend, beautiful page you posted for a beautiful woman Clem. She is the greatest, very caring!
tootsie - 12/25/98 13:49:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5911
My Email:bmiller737@aaol.com
How did your hear about my pages?: from a dear friend, Clem :o)
Where are your from?: New Hampshire
You are getting off to a very good start. You're on the right track. So,keep doing what you are doing. And if you have any questions, Clem's the one to ask. PS. Nice meeting you:o)
Clementine Clay - 12/25/98 08:27:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: You are my dear friend, so naturally I would know about your pages!
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor, FL - U.S.A.
Mary, my dear friend~~
No greater gift have I had at Christmas and all through past years than my friendship with you! Your friendship page to me has touched my heart in a way I cannot describe in words...(sniff, sniff...using tissues!) Yes, you have made me cry on Christmas Day, 1998, but crying is good for the soul and your thoughtfulness is something I will NEVER forget.
Thank you, my dear friend, for your hard work in creating and sharing such a special page with me...you have given me the greatest gift of all this Christmas Day!
Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus - 12/13/98 18:44:40
How did your hear about my pages?: I know EVERYTHING! ;-)
Where are your from?: The North Pole
Hello, Mary~~
You have a GREAT site here...Mrs. Claus and I are enjoying our visit very much. You have certainly been a good girl this year so
your name, Buddy's and Jessica's are on my list for Christmas deliveries.
Hi, Mary!--
I am just dropping by to wish you and your a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving. I hope God will bless you with all His best treasures!
Mary, -- I'm so happy that you and Jessie visitedClems Banner Exchange, and I'm glad that you both enjoyed the music. It was a fun page to do and it's nice to know that my fr
ends enjoyed it.
I just LOVE your new world globe...see what I mean about adding and changing all the time? Keep up the terrific job you are doing on your page...remember, "practice makes perfect", although there is NO such thing as 'perfection' when it comes to p rsonal web pages.
By the way, I'm using 'my man's new screaming machine' to sign your guestbook--450MHZ is totally awesome! (Do you and Jessie think that Santa will remember how good Clem has been this past year?) :-) Take care and God bless.
Your friend,
Wow! What a Job!! I am envious...you make me and the family proud!
Love Bruce
Beth and Bruce - 10/25/98 00:21:35
My Email:BCounselor@aol.com
How did your hear about my pages?: from your letter
Where are your from?: Toledo, Ohio
Dear Mary,
You are so creative and I love it. We'll put it in our "favorite places" on aol.
Love, Beth and Bruce
Clementine Clay - 10/22/98 07:18:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5239
My Email:clemclay@ix.netcom.com
How did your hear about my pages?: My best friend, YOU, told me! :-)
Where are your from?: Safety Harbor, FL - U.S.A.
Hi, Mary!
Well, you are off to a VERY good start learning HTML--remember, don't get discouraged. It takes a lot of time to do a page, and one is NEVER happy with the results, so one is always adding, changing and improving. The idea is to have f-u-n with it.
Drop by Clem's Corner anytime--my door is always open...I have a new entry page so remember to bookmark it because your old bookmark won't work any longer.
Keep up the fantastic job you are doing on your pages and let me know if I can help you in any way. I hope you and Jessie will have a great Halloween...here's a pumpkin for the two of you to enjoy.
It really looks great, Mary