Nature of Our Garden - Steve and Cyndi's organic garden in

Rose Crossroads School- A unique teaching facility for outdoor
educational courses

Dirt Doctor -
Howard Garret's web site. This is the organic 'guru' who's innovative
broadcasts on am radio WBAP has brought many Texans around to
the Organic way of life.

Ltd. - Center for Nature Research; An unusual gardening concept

Tudor, one of the 'gurus' I've always admired. Her own website
isn't really about gardening, however. Tovah Martin produces stunning
coffeetable works of art about Tasha's own cottage gardens. I
could have put her in the Kitchen, or even Goats, since she still
keeps her own dairy herd. She is a marvelous source of inspiration
to us all. You may not realize you know her, but she's the illustrator
of The Secret Garden, that cherished children's book we grew up
with. She leads an incredible lifestyle that we all could learn
