Ides Of March..... I never remember, is that March
1? March 3? or March 13? At any rate, this is March and we've suddenly
turned into a baby factory! Check out our newest photos.
Lunchtime! This Lambar bucket rig is one of the best
inventions a goat keeper could possibly own. Ouila, 10 babies are fed
and happy all at one time. I don't know if it means anything but this
season, the babies are the smartest we've ever had. Usually they don't
all learn Lambar 101 at this early age. (some are only 3 days old here.)
Our 2000 Oberhasli sales list is ready, and can be
viewed in the Goats section. If you see something you like, please let
me know early!

John brought champagne (which Duenna loves) and gorgeous
flowers for Valentine's Day in hopes it would convince her we love her
BUT WANT HER BABY OUT NOW. No such luck! (Scroll down to see Duenna in
full blown pregnancy on Jan 31.)

On February 22, Duenna did present us with her own surprise
package, check out the wrapper on this new filly!!!! Only 2 hours old
here, and already full of giggles.
At day 2, baby has decided Mom needs her exercise. "I'm
off to visit all those wonderful sounds I've been hearing!"

Candy (llama) sang lullabys to baby for the last week
she still was inside Duenna. Now she can see the baby is almost her own
color, and she adores her. Trouble is, Mama can do without 'llama-love'.

"Ahhh, now I can act like my old self again,
I feel 100 pounds lighter already!"
(This is Amelia Airhead, taking her leisurely time waiting
on her own Valentine's Day Surprise.) I never realized it but I have goats
and horse in matching bays.

Several new 'gadgets and gizmos' make life on the farm more
interesting, and a lot easier to share with everyone. All these photos
were taken with a digital camera. (So, now I can instantly
take a whole disk full of bad shots!) I'm working on a page just for the
electronic toys we're currently playing with. John installed a wireless
camera in the maternity stall so we could check on the mares and not disturb
them. Trouble is, it picks up sound almost too good. (Did you know that
hens snore???)
is riding Retador, a Paso Fino stallion. We actually OWN a lovely Paso
mare, but she's awaiting the birth of her foal, and won't come to Flylo
until ??? (awhile yet). Maullido Del Gato, with a few photographs
up on 'Other Critters' section. I can't wait, but with lots of new babys
to play with, I can 'almost bear the wait.

In the scene at right, Maullido is taking a lesson on 'body language',
note, no bridle!
BUT, we also have another baby
on the way! (Well, we have 12 Oberhasli does that are hugely pregnant,)
but we've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our Arabian mare's baby.
She's bred to a red paint, so we expect something with 'lots of chrome'!
The photo below was taken January 31, 2000. I'm taking bets on when she'll
foal. Right now, we're tentatively thinking 'Valentine's Day'. Now wouldn't
that be a lovely present!

have wondered what we look like. My hair is a little shorter,
John's is a little grayer (he says 'thanks to me'). We're both
a little rounder, but this is who we be.
site was online the first week in October, 1998. Since then
it has grown in fits and starts. I finally swiped all the old
'What's New' info. After all, a new year should bring new fits
and starts. I'm learning that a web site is much like writing
a novel. The characters and bit players seem to take on a life
of their own. The things you think to add aren't always the
pages that get posted.

hard at work answering her e-mail.)
Glad to have you visit.
Hope you'll come back soon to see us grow!
John Zitkus and Martha Wells