The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
4 It would be best and is preferred if serving your Tour of Duty to work in an organized group and do not let your investigations and detecting and collecting of evidence and research and intelligence and data gathering and analysis and interpreting of Media Messages and Media Messages Archives and tracing and tracking and much more information go into obscurity and is to be put in a readily available Public Domain Knowledge Database and available for FREE on Earths Internet for site access and for the entire site and information and database download and collected and archived onto CD-ROMS or more advanced technology for safe archival of large amounts of data in very safe non target areas and hopefully also in deep underground eco enclosed cities where everybody was and is very carefully screened with the Human Genetics tests and determined to be 100% Human. |
5 If you in your Judgment are Resurrected then in most cases if in your Tour of Duty you Served Honestly and Loyally and with Making Best Efforts and was at least extreme enough then you are going to receive in your Range of Next Life $37K equivalent to Year 2000 US Dollars adjusted for inflation before taxes for each year served if serving extreme enough for only three years and $73K equivalent to Year 2000 US Dollars adjusted for inflation and before taxes for each year if serving extreme enough for seven years and you are going to receive $100K equivalent in Year 2000 US Dollars and adjusted for inflation and before taxes for each year if serving extreme enough for 12 years and is in most cases your minimum you are going to receive if self supporting or supported by family and or from Tithes and Offerings and Gifts or from a Government in addition to more blessings and rewards and benefits for Good and Loyal and Best Efforts Service and that is extreme enough and in many cases are also going to be upgraded to a better location where Resurrected and on a better Grade of World or Marble or Planet and in many cases are going to get some better upgrades for your Brain and Body and Looks and also in some cases are going to be given more life and longer life in your Range of a Next Life. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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