The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
6 We are probably not going to be too strict or harsh on any that try and make best efforts and try their best and put in their full Tour of Duty of either three or seven or twelve full years of full time service and hopefully this is with a Team and an Organization and if doing this longer than twelve years and self supporting or supported by family or Tithes and Offerings and Gifts or from a Government is in many cases going to be $100K equivalent in Year 2000 US Dollars and adjusted for inflation and before taxes for each year of serving extreme enough. This Tour of Duty is required for Guys and Men and Women and Females sometime between the ages of puberty and sexual maturity and when having the ability to physically reproduce that is considered an adult to when mostly gray on the head hair. |
7 If you actually kill or drop Satan then a Bounty among many more blessings of $777 Trillion Dollars is going to be split among the team that can span over many generations. If you kill or drop a larger Demon among many more blessings then a Bounty of $73 Billion Dollars that is going to be split among the team and can be over many generations. If you kill or drop a Demon then this is $7 Billion Dollars that can be split among a team and split over many generations. Blessings and Rewards include more and longer life and a very rich and comfortable lifestyle and upgrades on brains and bodies and looks levels and many more and almost too numerous to mention blessings and rewards and honors. How much for the clones of Satan and larger Demons and smaller Demons? That is a good question and TJCG is going to have to think about that. 8 YES those Demons were hacking again when I went onto Earths Internet after upgrading to the latest Operating System and Security Software and Firewall and Virus Protection and I set the site browser to maximum security and everything to maximum security and this helped to protect from those Demon Hackers that are on Earths Internet and could be stalking you and hacking you and getting into your networks and databases and encrypted files. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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