The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
2 For Very Good Service that is extreme enough for Three or Seven or Twelve Years of Full Time Service this could have different ranges of blessings and rewards and benefits after resurrected somewhere else after Earth and this includes a better location that is a World or Marble or Planet to live on and then could also be for certain family members with you or a few special request granted for a few you love and also financial blessings and rewards and honor and respect. |
3 If you are a weekend solider and on duty on the weekends then this is legal to be on duty also on The Sabbath and that includes on Friday Night through Sabbath Day and this includes any duty and work that involves the going after Satan and Demons extreme enough and this weekend duty has to total Three or Seven or Twelve Years of Full Time Concentrated and Good and Productive Duty and Service and be extreme enough or you could face a future of punishment that could include a Court Marshall and time in a Brig or Military Prison and or resurrection on a lesser Grade of a Planet or Marble or World and their is a wide range of from BLESSINGS to PUNISHMENT and also CURSES that include Growing Old Curse and Growing Ugly Curse and a combination of Growing Old Curse and Growing Ugly Curse that are rarely used and TJCG wants for a vast majority in the future to have no Growing Old Curse or Growing Ugly Curse and to have young and healthy and vital brains and bodies until their Life Expectancy Ends and then are to Drop with a stroke or heart attack or both painlessly and quickly and while still in a young adult brain and body and in most cases not performing your extreme enough Tour Of Duty is not going to merit too harsh of punishment and is most cases is going to merit some punishment if not only never getting resurrected and left down on a drop or lesser grade or a planet or lesser looks levels or lesser lifestyle. |
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