Here is where you can choose a flower or plant and learn
more about it, or add your information about it. |

This page is for us to learn more about plants and flowers.
If you'd like, I'll put your plant on this page.
Just e-mail me the picture as a file.
Send information, or any question
about any plant and I'll put it here.
Pictures can be found in the Picture Gallery.
Here is a list of seeds gathered last year to give away:
Holly hocks: some red, some light pink, some purple, some white, some very pale pink, and a lot of mixed colors in one bag
Sweet William: some nearly lavender, some red tinged with white on edge of petal, some red, and a lot of mixed colors in one bag
ageratum, kiss me over the garden gate, marigolds, morning glories, tall phlox, mallow, daisies, coneflowers: white, purple, yellow
coreopsis, zinnias, balsa, false sunflower
These are plants I have, or have had,
or have information about,
followed by the months it blooms,
here in Michigan.
If the plant produces seed, and it is one I have,
I probably have seeds I could give you
If you live close by, stop over.
I'll be most happy to share
plants, bulbs, seeds, roots or cuttings.
Some plants I have information on; the name of the plant is the link to the info page.
If your eyes are anything like mine,
click on 'view' on your browser, click on 'text size' and make it larger!
aloe vera
ajuga (Bugle Weed) May June
arab campinkie
bearded tongue
black-eyed Susan
bleeding Heart
blueberry bushes
chinese lantern
Christmas cactus
clematis (purple- jack manii) June
columbine May June
crocus March
daffodils April May
daisies June
donkey tail
bleeding heart June
blue fescue
forget-me-not May June
glads, hardy June
hens and chicks June
hummingbird vine
hardy hybiscus
grape vines
hyacinths, grape April May
hyacinths, wood April
impatiens May June
iris May, June
lamb's ear June
lilac bush May June
lillies June
lilly of the valley May June
lupine May June
mallow June
marigold May June
morning glories
pansy June
peony May June
phlox, creeping May June
phlox, tall
phlox, wild June
pansy April May
primrose, evening June
Roses: May June
Dyanamite ( a red climbing rose)
miniature pink rose
miniature red rose
a yellow rose bush (Mr. Lincoln, I think)
Watermelon Ice ( short plant, many flowers)
salvis (sage)
sea holly
sedum blend March
sedum, autumn
spurge May June
strawberry plants
sweet william May June
sweet violets May
tickseed June
tulips April May
Last Updated: August 24hth, 2005