Welcome to Otto's Place
3 Months
(4/4/99 - 5/1/99)

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Nine Weeks - He's posing for his webiste! At nine weeks he's become a thief, stealing his sister's toys! This is his ten week pose for the website (he's got this schedule down!)
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Ten weeks - sleeping while we're working on his website!
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Ten weeks and teething! Eleven weeks and now he's growing by the DAY! And of course, his eleven week portrait pose!

About Me at 3 Months

At ten weeks Otto has picked up a few bad habits.  He steals toys from his sister (of course they're toys she's already stolen from one of the other dogs she lives with), digs, eats EVERYTHING (including bricks, rocks, plants, rugs, clay pots, ............).  He has been learning some tricks though.  He now sits, sort of stays, gives paw and lies down.  He's still learning stay, roll over, and pick the hand (that has the treat in it.)  He doesn't go on the furniture, but enjoys stealing the laundry and running around the house with it!

He's also found a new place to sleep, the shower.   He likes to go in the shower just after one of us has used it and catch the water as it drips from the shower head.  Then he steals the towels and drags them out of reach.  When it's time to use the blow dryer, or the vaccuum, he tries to hide ... one time he made it all the way under the bed!  He has figured out, though, that the broom is an enemy he has conquered, and so occassionally drags it into the livingroom, beating it and biting it into submission!

He's developed some strange sleeping habits, though.   He likes to sleep with "the jewels to the sky", which is even funnier when his tail starts to flicker between his legs in those sleep jolts.  He also makes some funny noises ... not snoring, but he clearly has a very active dream life!

When it comes to pictures, though, he's really a ham.   He poses and even now expects us to take pictures of him, so it seems he actually does something cute and waits until we get the camera before changing poses!  He has encountered a problem, though.  When he's out in public he gets mistaken for a Boxer.   Well, clearly it's the ears, since Danes have different ears ... yes, we did get those done.  The pictures aren't here, though, you'll have to check the next month for those pictures!


We would like to hear from you.  Please send any comments, suggestions, or training tips, please email us at: joeg6990@aol.com

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This page was last updated on 1/16/01

Photos, text, & design are all copyrighted and belong to us.  Nothing may be duplicated for any use without our EXPRESS approval.  Thanks.