Here they are, and then some, as they appeared in August of 1999.
L to R are cousin Halaire, baby Cyrus, Mom Rosemary, Chantel, and Brandon. Here is Rosemary in Regina around January of 1999, shortly before Cyrus arrived. The
new addition Cyrus, and Brandon The
wedding party, Aug 95 L
to R rear: Rosemarys sister Elsie, Darlene, and Rosemarys sister Judy-Ann. L
to R front: Rosemarys brother Chaboy, Rosemary, Greg "Charlie Brown"
Adam, me, and Rosemarys brother Mike. Rosemarys brother John, wife Rita, Kyle (seated) and Jake. Here is a picture of my brother Gordon. He will probably send a better picture as soon as he sees this! This is my dad when he was 20 with the first car he bought while in Kenora, Ontario, Canada. It's a 1940 Plymouth sedan that came up from Chicago during the '39-45' war years. Above is Rosemarys parents, Julian and Florence, in their wedding picture. L to R are Rosemarys Granny Sophie, Louisa Ladouceur, Julian, Florence, Pete Ladouceur,and her Grandfather Eli. Rosemary's
Great Grandparents My Great
Granddad William Berens Not pictured are my sisters Myra and Jean. Also not pictured are Rosemary's brother Charlie and sister Helen. Their Dad Julian passed away in the summer of 99. RIP. Here is the funeral card from his service. Click the Yahoo logo to see more pictures of family and friends in my briefcase.
Chantel and cousin River
My Mom,younger sister
Victoria, and us
Rosemarys brother Peter Cardinal
My Great, Great
Grandparents Jacob and Mary