Immaculate Conception Church - Portsmouth, NH

Immaculate ConceptionChurch
98 Summer Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801-4398

Special Liturgical Ministries


Altar Servers
assist the priest during the celebration of Mass.
Open to children in grades 4 or above, as well as adults.

Children's Choir
accompanies the contemporary music group
at Mass or other special occasions.

Adult Choir
sings with organ accompaniment at the 11 AM Sunday Mass.

Special Ministers of the Eucharist
assist the priest in distribution of Eucharist during the celebration
of Mass and take communion to the sick and homebound.

Contemporary Music Ministers
Adults and children who sing and play music at the celebration
of the 9 AM Sunday Mass and on special occasions.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
proclaim the Word of God during the celebration
of the Mass and other religious events.

prepare the altar and sacristy for Mass and other liturgical events.

prepare the pews, seat parishioners, distribute bulletins,
arrange for the bringing forth of gifts, take the offerings
and assist as needed at Mass.

provide a warm welcome to parishioners and visitors before and after the liturgy.

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