Hello! Thank you for dropping by my website. I hope you enjoyed your walk with me on my garden paths. Watching the birds and butterflies, smelling the clean fresh air, just being with nature stirs the wonder and beauty of life within me.

My name is Vicky and I am married to a most wonderful man for 46 years in April, 2000! You will meet Tucker on his webpage which is linked to mine, "Tucker's Gone Fishin'". Tucker and I retired about two years ago from our own business which we turned over to the very capable hands of our daughter. We have three children, two girls and one boy, who are now grown, married and leading their own lives. Our children have given us two lovely grandchildren.

Tucker and I live in Southern Ontario, Canada, on the Grand River Watershed (there is more information on the watershed on Tucker's site). We just bought a new home on the river and we are both so excited to make the move. This is very special for us as our retirement has lead us to a wonderful new life.... of relaxation! If you ever need to find Tucker or I, you can do so down at the river, which is out our back door.... literally. We will be the one's catfishing! That is our big love now, catfishing and our new VW beetle whom we call Winston! Yes, I am a fisherwoman and I say so with pride...! Tucker and I spend as much time as we can which is daily, weather permitting, dropping our lines into the river. I do want to mention that we do not keep our catch, we toss those catfish beauties back into the river, unless they are sick or injured. I do enjoy fishing and it brings Tucker and I closer together as well!

I also love to work in the garden. Our new home has such a beautiful garden and I can't wait to get my hands into that rich earth. It is a flower garden and already has most of my favorites growing. As well as the garden, there are so many wild birds. I fell in love with this new house the first time I saw it. I looked out into the backyard and saw a cardinal.... that's all it took for me! So, Tucker and I will be spending our time together, fishing and and enjoying the pleasures life has given us. Just being with Tucker is the joy of my life. He has provided me with the greatest love anyone can ever give. Tucker, I LOVE YOU TOO!

My fishing picture!

Vicky's Water Garden! More pictures On Tucker's Gone Fishin'

Visit my husband's homepage, "Tucker's Gone Fishin' "

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