Welcome to my Guestbook!

mike stuard - 08/25/00 13:27:23
My URL:http:///www.skybusiness.com/mrwhiskersguideservice
My Email:fish@web-access.net
Where Are Your From?: coleman tx
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: o.h. ivie res
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: any kind

liked your site check mine www.skybusiness.com/mrwhiskersguideservice

Beatle_4 (Ed) - 07/31/00 02:32:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/sportfish
My Email:Beatle_4@givepeaceachance.com
Where Are Your From?: Hamilton,Ontario,Canada
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Lakes Ontario,and Erie and the Grand River
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Brook Trout and Walleye

Great looking site you have here Tucker.That little fish you`re holding looks like something I usually catch.haha I used to camp just outside Dunnville and a lot of good times were fished along the Grand.Wish you and Vicki a lot of luck on your fishing ad entures.

Tom Mechaley - 06/08/00 03:36:22
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Tmec/NebraskaTomswebpage
My Email:tmec@webtv.net
Where Are Your From?: Battle Creek NE.
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Missouri river
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Cat fish

Liked your page Click mine to see my catfish.

wrinklebelly - 05/10/00 04:35:03
My Email:zeier@prodigy.net
Where Are Your From?: Ohio
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: everywhere
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: All species

Hi my Canadian friends!! I loved your web site and it has to be time to put Tucker in his proper place in the piscatorial hierarchy. Miss Vicky, after the drubbing you handed Tucker last season, I would strongly urge that you continue to check your line and knots, especially if y ur equipment is left unattended in areas that Tucker may have lurked LOLLOL!! Live Long and Prosper!! Larry Zeier zeier@prodigy.net

isaac - 03/31/00 19:56:18
Where Are Your From?: cal.
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: russian river
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: cat...

nice site......

Catfish John - 03/21/00 02:59:14
My Email:Inactive presently
Where Are Your From?: Stilwell KS
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Marais de Cygnes River
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Flathead, Blues, Channels--all things cat.

Dig your website and really appreciate your catch and release ideology. Keep catting and letting them go so one may safely say "Long live the big uns!" Happy catching!

Cliff Dobbs - 02/26/00 18:27:39
My Email:gramp50@hotmail.com
Where Are Your From?: Lake Bridgeport,Tx
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Lake Bridgeport
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Catfishing,White Bass and Hybrids

Hi Mr and Mrs Tucker.Just dropped in to say hello. Gramp

Janis - 02/24/00 14:59:30
Where Are Your From?: Hamilton
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Dad's river

Great Garden!!!!

NiteOwl-(Dan) - 02/22/00 23:30:03
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/NiteOwlRulz/
My Email:NiteOwlRulz@webtv.net
Where Are Your From?: So. Illinois- US
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: Smithland Pool on the Ohio River
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Catfishing

Very nice Tucker & Vicki--a couple of links still cut me off cuz of webtv i guess but I got in this time and the visit was very pleasent- keep up the good work and hope you get many photos as soon as The Ice is out!!!!--Your friend Dan--NiteOwl--

Jan & Ang - 02/14/00 12:28:27
My Email:janis247@idirect.com


Tightline - 02/10/00 05:15:22
My URL:http://....HUH?
My Email:tlctsc@hotmail.com
Where Are Your From?: North Central Texas
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: any wet one ;)
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: all

Neat site,luv that school of fish followin me around.Enjoy your new cabin on the river,we all envy you two.

hilary - 02/07/00 03:20:05
Where Are Your From?: tina's sister
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: san diego


NCA - 02/05/00 14:49:51
My URL:http://www.nationalcatfishingasso.com
My Email:NationalCatfishingAssoc@worldnet.att.net
Where Are Your From?: Georgia
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: USA
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: Catfishing

Great site. Thanks for signing the NCA guest book. Let's Catch a Cat Joe Blackmon, CEO

jenni - 02/05/00 05:26:02
My Email:jennydeedee@yahoo.com
Where Are Your From?: michigan

nice page...one of the best that I have seen...:-)

cher Lintz - 02/04/00 16:55:32
My Email:cherlintz@yahoo.com
Where Are Your From?: California
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: the Pacific
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: the kind where you don't take a pole, or bait, or ....anything!

This page is charming! I love the little fishies following the cursor, and the music! Have a wonderful life "fishin'" God Bless you Real Good!

Tina - 02/04/00 16:12:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Palais/3044/
My Email:tina99@ameritech.net
Where Are Your From?: Michigan
Favorite Fishin' Hole?: My pond in the back yard
Favorite Kind Of Fishing?: where you actually catch something! lol

Cliff and Vickie.... you are wonderful people. I have enjoyed working on this immensely. Expect Louis and I up to your new place in the summer. Yes, he will be my bodyguard, my pole and my bait! LOL God Bless you both and keep the faith honey!

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