Well this is our Christmas page! Welcome! Take a load off and enjoy the

christmas spirit that fills this page.

Christmas time is our favorite time of the year. There is so much to do

during those few days mine starts in October, well at least back home

it did. My mother goes christmas shopping October 11th

every year. So we have to get our list in by then or it's

" Sorry Charlie " and I quote that!!

This year my family and I will be spending it apart, but that is ok

I have a wonderful family in Christ that I can spend it with.

I want to take this time to wish ALL of my family

both Dave and mine a ~ VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ~

My step father starts putting Christmas decorations up in November.

They have so many that it takes that long to do it.

~ smile ~

Well Jordan, Dave & I want to wish all of you out there

surfing on the web a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS also.

God bless you all!

* Christmas Traditions *



"People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross." 




* Reason for the Season *

Lets not forget what this season is all about shall we.

I know in the hustle and bustle of it all we

always seem to forget what Christmas is all about.

The word "Christ" comes out of Christmas.

We are celebrating Christ's birth unto this world.

Without him we wouldn't even exsist to celebrate this tremendous

accasion. So please in the moment when you are opening your

gifts and laughing with family please give a thought to

Christ who died for our sins so that we may not

parish but have everlasting life. He deserves that

and much much more!!!!

Just think, would you die for someone so that they could go

to heaven?

I'll leave you with that thought and as always......

Have a merry merry Christmas!



* Stockings with goodies *

Click on stockings for great stocking stuffer ideas




Christmas Remembrance

by Bill Richer

Permission granted by author

With sleighs, snowmen and snow covered ground,

This is when Christmas comes merrily around.

With children waiting with quiet anticipation,

Santa Claus comes to deliver every expectation.

It's the season to find and decorate a tree.

It's the time for the spirit to be full of glee.

It's a period for families to gather with care.

They exchange gifts, talk and have a bit of cheer.

Still. there is a part of Christmas many leave out.

It is the birth of Jesus Christ without a doubt.

They really enjoy to eat, drink, laugh and sing.

Yet, they forget what this momentous day did bring.

Hence, we must recall this occasion in a Holy way.

We must find time to cease for a moment and pray.

Then, every year at the Yule-tide without delay,

We must place Christ into our Christmas Holiday.



Jesus Can forgive your sins

Would you like to be forgiven?

Email me and let me know if you have

and prayer requests or would like

Jesus Christ to come in your heart

and live in you.


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