Friends are Forever

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"~Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.~

"Real friends are those who, when you feel you've made a fool out of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job."

The star catcher grinned and whispered a plan,

" I'll catch all the stars that I possibly can.

Then give them to all my friends

so they will truly see how sparlkling

and special they are to me."


Like each star that God put in the sky

your friendships have brightened

my world!

I love you guys!


Friends are a very rare jewel , indeed.

They make you smile and encourage

you to succeed. They lend and ear

they share their dreams and

open their hearts in time of need.


In times of trouble

frriends will say,

" I'll help you through it"

To know that love is

to know God's love

The unexpected Kindness

from an unexpected place,

A hand outstretched in friendship

a smile on someone's face,

A word of understanding

spoken in an hour of trial

are " unexpected miracles"

that make like more worthwhile~

We know not how it happens

that in an hour of need

Somebody out of nowhere

proved to be a friend indeed~

For God has many messangers

we fail to recognize

but he sends then when we need them

for his was are wonderful and wise

so keep listening to hear~

For on lifes busy highways

you'll find God Presence near~


I wish you all the best in 1999 and God Bless you all!

There was one person I didn't put on here that I told I would mention her . Her name is Linda,

She lives in Canada. Hey Linda! Love you!








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