Picture Scrapbook
In April 2003 we started work on the new church building!!! The old church building will still be called
the Richland Baptist Church.
The new church building was completed in October 2003. It is called Richland Creek Baptist Church.
We held our first service in the new church building on October 5, 2003. Our dedication service with
Rev. Duane Turley was held on October 26, 2003. We had a church record of 119 people in attendance!
December 2003 - First Snowfall
October 2003 - Fellowship Hall
October 2003 - Auditorium
October 2003 - Subcontractors
September 2003 - Pews
September 2003 - Cross
September 2003 - Cabinets
September 2003 - Drywall
June 2003 - Steeple Installed
June 2003 - First Service at the New Church
May 2003 - Working on the Roof
May 2003 - Building Walls
April 2003 - Concrete
April 2003 - Trenching and Rock
April 2003 - Block and Backfilling
April 2003 - Electric and Pouring Footings
April 2003 - Digging Footings
April 2003 - Groundbreaking and Surveying