Lipari, Salina, Filicudi, Alicudi, Vulcano, Stromboli and Panarea

Aeolian Genealogy

Surname Noticeboard

If you would like to post the surnames you are researching, please send me an email with your message and include:  Your name, your email, your message and clearly indicate that you want it posted on the surname notice board.  Please keep it to no more than a few lines and also please keep you queries to Aeolian related issues.



Through this noticeboard I found my cousin Lisa Portelli in Florida last year and through her we located many distant cousins in Australia.  Now I am wondering who out there is either a Ruggiero from Sicily, or a DeLosa from Lipari.  I was born Joan Portelli in Sydney Australia but now live in Canada.  Thank you  Joan

Posted:  April 17, 2009

I am researching the names REITANO, FAMULARO, MANFRE, NATOLI, FALANGA in Quattropani, Lipari. Email me

Posted:  March 30, 2009

I am researching my grandmother, Josephina Lopez (or Lopes) born as one of three orphan sisters on the island of Filicudi.  Vince Cannistraro

Posted:  October 19, 2008

My name is Sarah Mandile.  I want to get in contact with anyone looking/or knows about the Mandile Family from Lipari, Sicily. My great Grandparents, Angelo and Francesca Mandile came to America in 1914 from Italy. I am very easy to contact via email. Thanks!

Posted:  October 13, 2008

Hi ,my name is Judith Talanoa & I live in Australia.

I'm researching, for a friend, the Schepisi/Schepis family from Leni, Messina; Mollica or Mollia from San Severino, Foggia; & Ciocio, possibly the same area.  All about the 1800's.  Giuseppe Schepisi, b: 1881 in Leni, m: a Kate Bennett from Ireland in Victoria in 1905.  Any help would be appreciated.

Posted:  October 13, 2008

Hello, I am researching my grandparents and their ancestors.  Santo Giuliano and Francesca Calascione lived on Salina.  When Santo died Francesca and the children immigrated to Australia.  Francesca's mothers maiden name was Cicirello.  Any info about this family would be wonderful.  Thank you Leonie

Posted:  October 13, 2008

Francesco Ravesi (b. 1840) spouse Francesca Bongiorno from Lipari Islands.

HELP!  Looking for info on siblings of both husband and wife.  Grateful for any info no matter how minute.  Email

Felice Piluso spouse Maria Ziino from Lipari Islands.

Parents of Maria Piluso (b. 1846) spouse Francesco Ravesi (b. 1840).  I will be grateful for any info no matter how minute.  Email

Posted:  October 13, 2008

I would like to build up a complete family tree of the Giacomo Spano family recently out of Malfa, Salina and the Maria Tesoriero family recently out of Panarea.  Fernando SPANO

Posted:  October 13, 2008

We are in Australia and would like to know about a Gaetano Pittorino, from Salina (Santa Marina).  It is thought that at some stage he was the mayor, also the school teacher in Malfa.  We are looking possibly at the years late-1920s to early- 1940s.   

Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Jane and Aurora

Posted:  October 13, 2008

Just beginning to research the following surname from Lipari, La Serra, Messina, Italy:

Biviano (Thomas...) wife was Grazia, they had the following children:  Angelo, Giuseppe, Tomasso, Angela, Onofrio. 
All children emigrated to Australia in the 1950's. 

We appreciate all of assistance?  Thank you!  Hollis Canham (NY) and Thomas Biviano (AUST)

Posted:  October 13, 2008

I have recently had a son and would like to research our ancestors in the CARRA line.  Gaetano was born in Malfa, Salina circa 1860 and married Maria PAINO.  They migrated to Australia circa 1900, and I am hoping to understand our ancestry pre migration.  Thanks.

Chris Carra

Posted:  October 13, 2008

Hi my name is John Allen.  I live in upstate New York, USA.  My Grandfather's last name was VIRGONA.  Can you tell me anything about the name, origins, etc.  Thank you.

Posted:  September 10, 2006

I am interested in contacting anyone who has a relationship with the surname MICELI from the island of Salina, Leni and Rinella in particular.  My father is EDUARDO MICELI, who is the son of MICHELE MICELI and GUISEPPA SANFILIPO who had 11 children.  With the exception of one son who remained in Italy, most of the children from this union are in Australia, however second and third generations may want to make some contact with me.  I am easily contactable by email, and I look forwarding to hearing from you.  Regards  Lorraine Russo (nee Miceli)

Posted:  September 10, 2006

I am from Australia searching for info on grandparent Angelina Taranto, daughter of Giacomo and Angelina Taranto from ALICUDI, she also had two sisters Maria and Nunzia and a brother Bartolo.  Mother and daughters came to Australia together I think, Bartolo came separately. Don't have info on Giacomo's movements.  I believe they came over to Aust. sometime after 1860.  Tried many avenues but no success.  Rosalie

Posted:  September 10, 2006

My Name is Marisa BASILE, and I am looking for my Family.  I am the Daughter to John Basile.  My grandfather was Giovanni Basile died 1963, brother to Arturo Basile died 1968.  I live in the USA.  Please write back, if you know of my family.  Thank you

Posted:  June 25, 2006

I live in Florida, USA.  My grandparents were from Lipari area and came to the United States to the Brooklyn, New York area.  Grandfather was John (Giovanni) PORTELLI, and I just learned his father was Felice Portelli, born 6/6/1905 in Lipari.  Grandmother's name was Catherine NATOLI was born 5/1/1909 in Canneto. Let me know if you can help me. Thanks!  Lisa

Posted:  March 11, 2006

Looking for descendants or ancestors of Bartolomeo CUSOLITO m. Caterina CINCOTTA 10 MAY 1863; his parents Bartolo CUSOLITO and Giuseppa CAMARDA; her parents Bernardino CINCOTTA and Angela FAMULARO.

Looking for descendants or ancestors of Giovanni ZINO/ZIINO/ZIJNO b. abt 1837 m. Rosa SANTOLUCIO/SANTOLUCITO 30 May 1871; his parents Angelo ZIJNO b. abt 1811 and Marianna FINA b. 1836; his grandparents Emmanuele ZIJNO b. abt 1781 and Marianna ZAJA b. abt 1796; her father unknown D'Ignoti.

Thank you.  Brian.

Posted:  February 4, 2006

Looking for descendents of Angelo Barbuto (B. May 1850, Alicudi, his parents are Angelo Barbuto and Rosaria Taranto) and his first wife Grazia Scafide (B. April 1850s, Alicudi her parents were Carmelo Scafide, not sure of the mother's name).  Their children were Angelo, Angela, Basile, Carmelo, Rosaria (B. 1885, Alicudi). Can anyone help with information regarding their descendants.  Marica

Posted:  January 8, 2006

I am searching for information about the Alessi, Russo, Paino, D'urso, Portelli, Ristuccia and Cincotta.  These ancestors mostly came from Scaletta, Lipari and Malfa.  My Great Grandfathers were Guiseppe Alessi born 20 Sept 1860 and Angelo Paino born 26 July 1883.  Thank you.  Alina (NSW Australia)

Posted:  December 18, 2005

I always search information about VIRGONA's family from Lipari.  My ancestors were Antonio VIRGONA and Ursula FAMULARO.  I live in France.  Thanks for your information.  Audrey Naudin

Posted:  November 19, 2005

Researching name D’ALBORA from Salina.  My father was born there on May 28, 1900.  Thank you Nancy.

Posted:  September 11, 2005

I am seeking information, particularly birth and death dates, about the union of Eugenia FIORENTINA and Antonio PICONE, from which were produced:  Giuseppi, Luigi, Giacomo, Bartolo and Vincenzo Picone.  The Antonio Picone family lived in Lingua.  Please email me.

Posted:  July 3, 2005

I am researching surnames of BASILE, TARANTO and LA CAVA.  My grandmother Mary (Basile) Aversa is from Alicudi, her parents Carmela Taranto and Giovanni Basile are from Alicudi and Filicudi.  Please e-mail Caroline Comis.  Thank you!

Posted:  July 3, 2005

Researching Salina families from S. Marina Salina:  LOPES, MIRABITO, COSTANTINO, ZAIA, SALPIETRO, GIUFFRE.  Contact Madeline Lopes.

Posted:  June 26, 2005

Would appreciate any information on the ANTONUCCI family from Lipari that came to Canada (and the US Alameda County/Oakland in 1886).  Guiseppe (Joseph) Antonuccio was my great grandfather, John Antonuccio my grandfather.  Thank you,  Mary.

Posted:  June 19, 2005

I am researching information about my great grandfather Francesco DELLA CHIESA born in Salina.  I have his passport in which he scratched out his surname and wrote in RODIQUENZI, which he subsequently used in all official documents after arriving in the US in 1906.  I have not been able to find any information about the Rodiquenzi name, it appears to be very unusual.  If you have any info please email me.  Thank you.  Michael Regan.

 Posted:  May 25, 2005

Hello.  My name is Laura Beekhuyzen (Schepisi) researching my GGreat Grandfather Ferdinando SCHIEPISI/SCHEPIS/SCHEPISI B.1819 Leni Salina married Teresa TUFANO B.1821.  They had two children Antonio Schepis born 14/9/1849 and Rosa Schepis born 9/4/1842.  Laura.

 Posted:  May 25, 2005

I am looking for information on my father's family.  His name is Stephen Salvatore MANDILE.  He was born in Filicudi 1918.  I am planning a visit to Filicudi in March 2006 and would love to find relatives.  Nancy Mandile.

 Posted:  May 21, 2005

I am researching my family names SERRA and STEFANO.  Please email me.  Adam Serra

 Posted:  April 16, 2005

I am researching the name Basile from Lipari.  Specifically, I am looking for information relative to Francesco Basile born in Lipari in either 1880 or 1881 and his father, Antonino Basile with a last known location of San Pier Niceto, Sicily.  Francesco Basile lived in the United States from 1900 to sometime in the 1920's in Rossiter, Pennsylvania before being deported back to Italy.  Any information would be appreciated.  Mark Basile

 Posted:  March 25, 2005

I am looking for information on my great grandfather Giuseppe Re' Born around 1870 in Salina and arrived in Australia in the late 1800's - early 1900's.  Email Wayne Ingrilli

 Posted:  March 25, 2005

I am looking for information on my grandparents both born on Filicudi, Antonio LOPES and Terzita SEGRETO.  I am compiling the family tree and would like to get more information.  I am Perry Lopez their grandson.  My grandfather used the name Lopez when he came to Australia.

If you have information please contact me on email

Posted:  February 20, 2005

I am researching the names of BIANCHERI, CAVOLINO and TRAINA, PORTANOVA.  The name Biancheri arrived in Lipari in the second half of the 19th century through my paternal grandfather, Giuseppe Antonio Biancheri (b.1837? in Bordighera, Italy), who married Maria Grazia Cavolino in Lipari. Several of their children came to the U.S.; one settled in Australia.  Gene Biancheri, New Jersey, USA.

Posted:  February 20, 2005

Hi, my name is Colette Palise and I reside in Australia.

I am researching my family from Salina which encompasses the following surnames:  PALISI (now sometimes spelt as Palise), FAVALORO, LAMARO, LICCIARDO (now sometimes spelt as Licardy).  Please email me 

Posted:  February 6, 2005

I am researching my great grandfather's history.  Antonio RISTUCCIA born Leni Salina 23/06/1871, married Frances MANDILE emigrated to Sydney Australia.  Had sons Joseph, Dominic, Thomas, Anthony and daughter Angelina.  Please email me.  Thankyou.  Karen Ristuccia

Posted:  February 6, 2005

I am searching for the ancestors of Salvatore LA GRECA who married Anna BONANNO on Dec.9, 1865 in New Orleans, Louisiana.  Thanks for any help.  Loella F. Barilleau

Posted:  January 16, 2005

I am researching the name DI FINA from Filicudi.  My great grand-father was named Giovanni Di Fina and was born in Filicudi around 1850.  He was married to Grazia Taranto born around 1855 in Filicudi.  Around 1880 they moved to Guyotville, ALgeria.  Please email me.  Jean-Raymond Di Fina.

Posted:  November 19, 2004

I am searching for NATOLI, PICONE, LAURICELLA & LA GRECA from Lipari.  They are not necessarily family related.  Any information would be helpful.  Email Louisa.

Posted:  November 6, 2004

I am researching the names Guiseppe BASILE and Brigida BASILE.  They emigrated to New Zealand in the early 1920's.  Please e-mail me.

Posted:  August 8, 2004

Hi, I am researching the name FAMULARO.  I have a great-grandfather by the name of Antonio Famularo born March 4th 1862.  His father was Joseph and his mother was Mary.  Please e-mail me.

Posted:  July 24, 2004

My name is Peter Sisario.  My father Salvatore SISARIO (often spelled CESARIO in Italian records) was born in Malfa Dec 25, 1906.  His father was Felice Cesario, born on Lipari in Oct 1872.  I am looking for information on Felice's death (approx 1911-12) and any information on baptism for my father and his siblings.

Posted:  June 15, 2004

I am researching the surname TARANTO.  I also have an interest in BARBUTO, BONICA, RUSSO, CAPPADONA, RANDO and VIRGONA.  I have many different surnames mixed in my family tree which is Filicudi and Alicudi based.  Please contact me with any interests in the above or other surnames.  Jennifer Taranto.

Posted:  June 15, 2004

My Grandfather had the last name LIPARI.  I was wondering if there are Lipari on the island and if someone is researching it.  Please email me.

Posted:  March 21, 2004

I am researching the families of Giovanni Battista SERRA (of Salina) and his wife Bartolomea LAZZARO (of Lipari).  They lived in Malfa, Salina.  Their son Domenico Serra came to America in 1901.  He went back 3 times to bring the rest of the family to America.  I am also interested in the COSTA family of Leni, Salina.  Please contact Chris Obert

Posted:  March 21, 2004

I am researching the name MANGRAVITI and BICCIERI.  They emigrated from Lipari at the turn of the 20th century, settling in New York, mostly Brooklyn. My grandfather was supposedly the Port Commissioner of Lipari Town before they left.  Please email Elizabeth.

Posted:  January 7, 2004


I am looking for any information on the family of my grandmother Rosa (Della Chiesa) Zagami born 7/1871 to Giovanni Zagami and Francesca Bonfiglio from Lipari.  Rosa's siblings were Teresa (m. Vincenzo Porretti), Giuseppa, Michaela (m. Bartolomeo Merlino), Carmela, Salvatore, Giovanna (m. Francesco Grasso) and Giuseppe.

Anyone with information on these families, or the ZAGAMI / DELLA CHIESA from Lipari, please contact Gene Bocelli.  Thank You.

Posted:  August 18, 2003

I am interested in information about ZAGAMI/E from "u lisciu" in Filicudi, CINCOTTA from "a sciacca" LOPES and RUSSO of Filicudi also.  These are the surnames of my Paternal grandparents and great grandparents.  The ancestors names are Vincenzo Zagami, Giuseppa Russo, Gaetano Cincotta and Nunziata Lopes.  I know that the father of Nunziata Lopes was Antonino Lopes (my great great grandfather) who was born 1849.

Anyone with information, please contact Carmelo Zagami.  Thank you.

Posted:  August 2, 2003

I am interested in information about the ancestors of 7 FAVALORO brothers from Leni, Salina, who emigrated to Australia 1890s-early 1900s. Their father was Felice FAVALORO and their mother Giovanna PITTORINO.  My grandfather was Angelo Favaloro, (1889-1960), the fifth brother. The brothers settled in Bendigo, Victoria (Australia), where they owned several cafes and a cake factory.

If you have any information on the FAVALORO, please contant Liz Lumsdon

Posted:  March 2, 2003

My great-great grandfather Angelo VIRGONA (~1813-1888) married Concetta PIRERA.  His parents were Giovanni VIRGONA and Grazia BENINCASA.  Her parents were Guiseppe PIRERA and Rosalia CASALITO.  All were from Lipari.  Anyone with similar lines, please contact Mary Buskey  Thanks.

Posted:  March 2, 2003

I am researching the surnames FAMULARO, FIRENZE, MATARAZZO, PIRERA, RUSSO and ZANCA from Malfa, Salina.  If you have any information on these surnames please contact Bernard Cincotta

Posted:  February 10, 2003

TOMASELLO Vito (grandfather) from Lipari (Acquacalda) was involved in the construction of road between Canneto and Acquacalda. Originally from San Piero Patti Sicily.

MERLINO, Antonino from  Lipari (Acquacalda) had five children by name of Bartolo, Anna, Giovanni, Tomaso, Giuseppe, Antonino.

If you have any information on these families or surnames please contact Robert Tomasello

Posted:  February 10, 2003


Please contact Richard Logan (NSW, Australia)

Posted:  January 10, 2003

I am researching the D'ALBORA,  IVELI,  FAVALORO,  LAMARO,  TARANTO, and  LO SCHIAVO (and related) families from any of the islands.  My D'ALBORA and IVELI families emigrated from Salina.  Please contact:  John M. D'Albora
Ocean Pines, Maryland

Posted:  December 15, 2002

Am researching the names PICONE, DONATO, and MANFRE, from Lipari, and Salina.
Don't miss this port!!!
Italian passengers
Italian Vital Records

Posted:  October 28, 2002

I am researching the CAPPADONA and TESORIERO families from Lipari and Stromboli.  Contact:  Roy Cappadona

Visit the Cappadona website at

Posted:  August 21, 2002



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