Cats can breed for a very long time! Whole males have been known to produce offspring at the advanced feline age of 16 years. This is equivalent to a human male of approximately 78 years of age!

Female cats have been known to give birth at 12 years of age which would be about 65 in human years.

Because cats have such a long span of time where breeding can occur, it certainly contributes to the high number of homeless cats and makes us very aware of how important neutering and spaying is.

The following is a rough guide of cats age as compared to human age:

If a human is one, the equavlent is 15 years for a cat!
If 2, the equivalent cat years is 25.
If 4, cat years is about 40.
If 7, cat years is approximately 50.
If 10, cat years is about 60.
If 15, cat years is approximately 75.

Should a cat live to 20, it's equivalent human years is 105! And should the cat live to 30, then it would be in human years 120!

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|| Cats Like People Who Fear Them || How Long Can A Cat Breed? || Getting Closer to Your Cat || Sight, Sound and Smell || A Case for Neutering and Spaying || Common Household Dangers || Disaster Preparation || Cat Myths ||