The dark clouds banking in the sky,
Had given to us a fair warning.
Well we knew, when we looked on high
That we would have rain by morning.

Showers bring flowers, so they say,
But this torrent earthward sweeping,
Is more than a shower this day.
Could it be the angels weeping?

Are they shedding all of these tears,
Since men have into such beasts turned,
That they torture and implant fears,
While churches and homes they have burned.

Fear is sown in this land of ours,
So uproot every thot of doubt
And plant love thots thru-out the hours,
Putterly thots of defeat to rout.

When the sun shines and all is bright,
Then fear is concealed and we forget,
That seeds were sown by foes at night,
And soon good results they will get,

For they have taken roots so deep,
And moisture makes them grow and grow,
And while we have been sound asleep
They cling to us before we know.

So God sends the rain to cover all,
For he knows there'll be no flowers
If fear thots let our country fall,
There can be no heavenly bowers.

Let this dark rainy day be one
In which you have time to think,
It will be a victory won,
For you'll see the dangerous brink.

Yes, the angels now are weeping,
Because we in this land of ours
Are many peacefully sleeping
Unaware of thorns in the flowers.

By Pearl Dunkel-Taft
March, 1943







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