Lake Superior Paws for Love, Inc.


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Lake Superior Paws For Love is a community based animal service organization established in 1994.  Dedicated to promoting the bond between people and animals through service, therapy and education, Lake Superior Paws for Love services the Northwest Wisconsin area. All services provided by Lake Superior Paws For Love are free of charge and are staffed and operated by volunteers.  

What is Animal Assisted Therapy? 

We all know how animals help to improve the quality of life. Using this concept, we take family pets to visit nursing homes, treatment centers, schools, hospitals, and other locations where people may benefit from such visits. These Carefully screened goodwill ambassadors, help to lift the spirits of those who may not have much to look forward to or smile about. 

How are the animals certified for therapy work? 

All animals participating in the visits are carefully screened and tested. Dogs must pass the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program and are tested by area animal behaviorists. Lake Superior Paws For Love, Inc. is insured by Sportsmens Insurance Group.  

Do I need a pet to join Lake Superior Paws For Love? 

NO! You do not need an animal to join!  Lake Superior Paws For Love membership is open to anyone with an interest in animal education, animal assisted therapy, and service.   Volunteers are always needed and appreciated.  

What other services can Lake Superior Paws For Love provide? 

Lake Superior Paws For Love is capable of providing a broad range of educational programs. These include: 

~Obedience demonstrations 
~Spay/neuter information 
~Animal rescue programs 
~General pet care and health education 
~Pet selection seminars 
~and much, much more! 

For More Information About... 

~Visits from our Therapy Assistance Pets 
~T-Shirt Orders 
~Educational Programming 
~Other services we can provide 

Please write us at: 

Lake Superior Paws For Love 
P.O. Box 963 
Ashland, Wisconsin 54806
OR Send an e-mail message to: 


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This page created and maintained by Libby Bunch.  Last updated on 6 December 1998.