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Years ago, a good friend of mine, Lorna, taught me to play
the guitar, and after a few sessions and practicing on my own, I was able to play simple
songs and would use these in my daily prayer time.Featured here are my original compositions - all done with
the aid of an old microphone, a guitar and my voice. Very primitive recording (watch
out for the doggie barking) - but it puts the message of the song across. All
of these songs are available for your personal use - and I'd appreciate hearing from you
if you do like them. Hope they bring you to deeper faith.
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Song Titles (arranged from the older ones to the newer ones):
Kind and Faithful
This is the first song I ever
made, about the daily loving
presence of our God - as constant as each sunrise, as personal as a Daddy's.
to Me
One time, I was trying so hard
to comfort a person, it seemed an
impossible task. And then I remembered the words God would
use to comfort me- and I put it in a song in the hope that it would
do the consoling for me. Since the time I made it, this song has
made quite a number of downhearted people smile.
Love the
This is the inspiration I got
studying Matthew 22.
Simplicity is truly one of the Lord's traits - He always wants us
to see clearly what is our basic aim in this life.
Of course, it's not so simple, yet if we don't lose sight of this,
and seek to do this and this only all throughout our lives,
we will for sure attain it.
This was a difficult song to
make. I realized I had lost the fervor
of my first love for Jesus and had been taking His love for granted.
I made this song with tears of repentance in my eyes. (Nov. 1992)
Sing to
Picture God's army marching on
the earth in its full glory,
with God's people joining in the battlecry against
all darkness and evil. A victory song taken from Psalm 68.
Hold Me Close to Your Heart
One day while waiting for a meeting, I
found myself
humming this tune, and praying this prayer.
Straightforward and simple. (1996)
Inside and Out
The Lord knows us so well - even more
than we know ourselves.
We can hide nothing from Him. Our goodness, our filth,
is very plain for Him to see. And yet, He chooses to fill us with Himself.
"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this
all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."
2 Corinthians 4:7 (Sept. 21, 1995)
Dust Before You
Looking at the majestic countryside of
the mountain province,
one realizes the Creator's greatness. "When I consider
Your heavens the work of Your fingers, the moon and
the stars which You have set in place, what is man that
You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care
for him?" Psalm 8 (Nov. 1996)
Patience Daughter
Sometimes one cannot see what God is
It all seems confusing. Yet somehow, God manages to put
everything in place at the proper time.
All it needs is a little patience. (March 28, 1997)
Spirit Grow
This song is about vulnerability to
being hurt because
one wants to love. Though from the very start of life
we are 'trained' to avoid bodily harm, this does not mean
that we must also avoid people or situations which
may cause us pain. Suffering from loving is a growth
experience while shielding ourselves from hurt is
cowardice and eventually destroys our spirit. (March 27, 1997)
Unto the Ends of the Earth
(paraphrased from Psalm 67)
(August 11, 1997)
Come Rain Come Shine
This is a song inspired by a
reading of a friend named
Tita Agnes during a prayer meeting from Psalm 1 verse 3
- "They are like trees that ggrow beside a stream,
that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up.
They succeed in everything they do." (August 19, 1997)
His Steadfast Love
Endures Forever
(paraphrased from Psalm 136) 21
August 1997
I Will Trust in You
(paraphrased from Psalm 91)
21 August 1997

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