When I was about 18 I thought about all the time my family would talk to me about God. I decided it was high time for me to find out for myself if He was real. Sure I went to church, prayed for exams and got a lot of blessings, but I had to really be sure all this stuff wasn't just handed down to me from my parents - that wouldn't be enough to put my life on the line for- otherwise, if there was really no God at all, then I'd simply be an athiest. Make sense right? Well, right then and there I said,
"God, if you're really there, you'd have to show yourself to me, if not, well, then,
I won't look for you anymore." From that point, I went to every prayer meeting, read
the bible, put the words there into 'real life testing', talked to Christians, listened,
prayed... I got to know pretty good people. But not just good people. They claimed to know God personally - they talked to him as if He was just a friend and not someone far above the clouds. This was at the very least, really intriguing to me. They could 'hear' his voice, helping them make decisions like if they were better off married or to live single all their life, or how he'd show them why they acted in a certain way (kind of like their personal shrink, without charge). I wanted to have this, to know God in a very personal way and to hear His voice. Well, to make a long story short, I did find God, or rather He found me, through it all, and I met Him in my heart of hearts, and now He's my best friend for life. He speaks everyday - not in a loud booming voice but in many ways. I'm so glad that He showed up, and continues to do so for me and my family. To read about my everyday walk of faith, visit my journal page where I write down personal reflections which come from my times of prayer. Many of the thoughts I get in prayer really surprise me, move me and change my perspective on life. I'm hoping that as you read them, God would speak to you as He did to me! Do you want to do a very interesting Personal Reflection? This did me a world of good, try it, it's entitled "On the Beach" Visit Sacred Space, where there's a daily guide you can use for prayer produced by the Irish Jesuits. They've been getting a thousand hits a day -sound good?
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