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Tom Sharpe was born in 1928 and educated at Lancing College and at Pembroke College, Cambridge. He did his Nation Service in the Marines before going to South Africa in 1951, where he did social work before teaching in Natal. He has a photographic studio in Pietermaritzburg from 1957 until 1961, when he was deported. From 1963 to 1972 he was a lecturer in History at the Cambridge College of Arts and Technology.
From Stefan Moberg
Stumbled on to your pages while looking for some info on Tom Sharpe. Thank you!
Now, what really intrigues me - why do you sport a Swedish translation on
that page?
Stefan in Stockholm
From Charlie Schmidt
You're right, Tom Sharpe is great and I've read all his books over and over.
I'm surprised his books have much of an overseas
audience because they seemed to be aimed at people who are au
fait with English foibles and stock characters (the landed gentry,
the suburbanites, vicars, bobbies etc). I'm at Peterhouse,
Cambridge, Porterhouse's inspiration, so when I got in my granny
gave me a copy of Porterhouse Blue which amused me - never
much of a fiction reader - so much I went out and bought all his
other books and read them, one by one, within about a month of
finishing the first one. I must own that The Throwback is probably
my LEAST favourite of his novels, because he lets his imagination
run away with him when Lockhart is trying to eject his tenants and I
found it a bit unbelievable. Sometimes his books get a little samey
this way - The Midden and others all contain big houses blowing
up, or threatening to blow up - and I prefer the more domestic
scenes of chaos found in Wilt. My all-time favourite would have to
be Porterhouse Blue but Ancestral Vices is a good 'un also. And
being at Cambridge, there is the possibility I may one day meet
Sharpe himself.
From Dennis Fitzpatrick (Birmingham. Engand)
Having not read many of Tom's books I can only comment on the two
I have read, which are the South African books.
Also having lived in South Africa and knowing a few S.A. policemen
I found Tom's observations spot on. Riotous Assembly and Indecent Exposure
are probably the funniest books I have read and my experience of S.A.
Policemen may coax me into writing a few words of my own.
The criteria for joining the S.A. police is, you have to have failed your
exams at school, be psychotic and be completely devoid of any compassion.
I look forward to reading the rest of Tom's books, but feel they will not
live up to the two I have picked out.
From Rob Sutton (Wales, UK)
I've been looking for a site on Tom Sharpe for some time.
I've been an avid reader of his books for several years, having been introduced
to The Throwback by a friend and have been addicted ever since.
The Throwback is definitely my favourite; although Blott, Porterhouse Blue,
Grantchester Grind etc... all come a very close second.
From Trudi (South Africa)
I love Tom Sharpe and I notice no-one has acknowledge Wilt, which I choose above anything else.
I still tend to cackle somewhat hystericaly when thinking about his antics.
It's really interesting to see so many international people enjoy his work, as you would presume
it would be a very English type of humour (like understanding the Young Ones)
I guess us convicts carried on the tradition of sledging higher social persons !!!
Giuseppe (Cagliari, Italy)
Tom sharpe is my favourite writer; absolutely the best humorous writer ever existed.
I have also infected some friends with my enthusiasm.
I've read all books and I think the funniest is vintage stuff (but also wilt is great).
(more in guestbook)
From Javi (Manlleu, Catalunya)
Tom Sharpe escriu de collons!!
És l'únic escriptor que ha aconseguit fer-me trencar de riure.
I l'únic que quasi em mata per fer-me aguantar els atacs al llit per no despertar ningú.
Gràcies Tom, i segueix escrivint fins sempre.
From Chris (Thailand)
I first came across Tom Sharpes books when I found a German language copy of Wilt lying
on a beach in Spain 25 years ago. It was so funny in german that when I got back to Berlin
where I was doing an MA in Humanities I phoned my mum in England and asked her to go to WHS
and buy and send me everything he had already written.
I am a lecturer (PhD) in contemporary german, english and french literature and I have never
come across anything so funny since.
Visit the Fans of Tom Sharpe club, started by Tom Sutton.
In het nederlands vertaalde boeken kunt u hier vinden:
For the english books you can have a look at Amazon USA, UK and even Germany.
Books translated in french can be found here:
Book translated in swedish can be found here: Akademibokhandeln Storkund
(Type Sharpe and hit "sök")