This is an updated version of an article published January 1995 in the "Keyhole Quarterly Publication of the Genealogical Society of Southwestern PA"   written by his 2nd great granddaughter       Carol Ann Claffey Mounts
An old and yellowed newspaper clipping among my grandmother's possessions reads as follows:
SOCIAL AFFAIRS   July 12, 1899
"Partly by pre arrangement and partly by chance, it fell out that on Sunday all the members of the family of J. F. Miller, of near Ten Mile village were at the old home. At the home now there are left only the father, now nearing the four score year mark, and Miss Mattie J. Miller. Sunday this number was swelled to more than a score, and the social fellowship of the occasion as well as the associations of the old home were fully enjoyed, but quietly as became the Sabbath.  From Washington there were present Osborne Miller, wife and daughter Blanche; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. (Joseph Allison) Miller and son Lanham; L. E. (Lafayette) and wife and Wm. Claffey Jr., and family. From McDonald came R. R. Holmes and wife; from Waynesburg, J. E. (John) Miller, wife and son Allison; from Lone Pine, Daniel Baker and wife (Mulvina), while from Conova, in far away South Dakota, came A. D. (Allison DeFrance) Miller,  wife and daughter."
   This old news clipping among Claffey/Miller photographs and papers was my first exposure to the name John F. Miller.  These photographs in a very old black satchel were the possessions of my paternal grandmother Mary B. Miller Claffey.  Since she is mentioned in the article (Wm. Claffey Jr. and family), as attending the function, I assumed John F. Miller must be a relative.  Further research proved him to be her grandfather, therefore great, great grandfather to me.  Also found among Mary B. Claffey's possessions were about 200 photographs, tintypes and snapshots which have mostly identified as Miller and Claffey family members.  Several pictures, however are still unidentified.  I would therefore gladly exchange Xeroxed copies if anyone can help with or verify identification.
 John Franklin Miller was the grandson of Benjamin Miller and Hannah Beatty Miller (later Mrs. Moses Day).  He was born Nov. 17,1820, in Amwell Twp., Washington County, Pa, the fourth son of Joseph and Permelia Harris Miller.

      Much  has been written about his grandfather Benjamin Miller - Revolutionary Patriot who is reported to be buried somewhere on the old family farm in Amwell Twp, Washington County, Pa.
      And even more about his father Joseph Miller, veteran of War of 1812, who is reported to have walked all the way home from Chataqua, New York to Washington County, part of the trip carrying equipment of his brother Benjamin, who was ill.  These weary travelers arrived home the day before Christmas in 1812, then soon after in the spring of 1813, Joseph married Permelia Harris, herself a daughter of a Revolutionary Veteran.
     These two men are discussed in Beers (p. 1893) History of Washington County, Pa, in the biographical sketch  of Steven D. Miller, brother of John F. Miller.
     John F. Miller's life story however to this point has been recorded only in fragments of information stuck here and there in official documents. This article is meant to combine as much information as possible about him and therefore piece together at least a portion of his life story.  Until about two years ago, I knew nothing of him. I began to gather information for my own application for "National Society Daughters of The American Revolution" membership.  John Franklin Miller was my great grandfather and I have discovered quite a lot about him in the past two years.  I have visited his grave, read from his obituary that he died on Thanksgiving Day from an accidental fall from an upstairs bedroom window, at the home of his son John Miller in Waynesburg, Pa.

  Siblings all born Amwell Twp, Washington County, Pa include;
    1. Nehemiah Miller  born April 19, 1814, no death date.
    2. Mulvina Miller   born 1816, died 1833.
    3. William Miller   born Sept. 11, 1818, no death date.
  *4. John F Miller,   born Nov.  17, 1820, died  Nov. 26, 1903 (my gr, gr grandfather)
    5. Benjamin Miller  born March 25, 1823, died June 19, 1881.
    6. Tunis Miller     born Aug. 16,  1825, died Sept. 29, 1921
   7. Steven D. Miller born Aug. 29, 1833, died April 6, 1902
John F. Miller was raised  just north of Ten Mile Village, Amwell Twp. Pa. on the family farm.  He, like his father and grandfather was a farmer and carpenter.  He spent most of his life in and around that area.  He most certainly attended the Pleasant Hill one room grade school one half mile east of Ten Mile Village across the road from the Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church.   He was a lifelong member of that church.
    This church was a most important aspect of his life for he is mentioned many times in it's historical records.  January 1842 saw an unusually large upsurge of new members, thirty eight in all.  He became a member by profession of faith at age of twenty two years.  Another member among those joining the church that January 1842 was Deborah Fulton, (possibly a neighbor, for an Amwell Township map of 1876 records H. Fulton as living on property adjoining the John F Miller farm).  John and Deborah were married two years later on Feb. 6, 1844.  Their only child, an infant daughter, died at birth November 1, 1845.  Deborah died just one month later on December 3, 1845, aged 19 years, 4 months and 24 days.   Mother and child are buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery adjoining the Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church of Ten Mile with John F. and many members of his second family.
     One year later John F. Miller married his second wife, Martha DeFrance, December 30, 1846 in Monongahela City, Pa.  Martha was the daughter of Allison DeFrance and Martha Allender DeFrance of Donegal Township near Claysville, Pa.  Martha DeFrance Miller moved to her husband's family home in Ten Mile, Pa. and over the next 26 years bore him twelve children.

 Children of John F Miller and Martha Defrance
  1. Osborn Miller, b. Sept. 28, 1848, d. Sept. 15, 1852, aged 4 years
 *2. Joseph Allison Miller, b. June 10, 1850, d. March 28, 1910  (my great grandfather)
            married Sara Elizabeth Burwell,  4 children
  3. Mulvina E. Miller, b. April 16, 1852, d. May 25, 1931 mar. Daniel Baker no known children
  4. Osborn Miller, [obit 3] b. June 8, 1854, d. July 27, 1934, married Sara Meloy, 3 children
  5. Martha Jane Miller, b. Mar 23, 1856, d. Feb. 10, 1901, married Absolom Beiry,
           no known children
  6. John Ewing Miller, b. Jan. 10, 1858, d. March 11, 1932, married Emma Rowe, 1 son
  7. Allison DeFrance Miller, b Aug. 29, 1959 d. date unknown
            married Bessy Sowers, 1 daughter
  8. Alma Miller, b. Oct. 5, 1860, d. Oct. 12, 1860, aged 1 week
  9. Austin Miller, b. Sept. 21, 1861, d. Oct. 5, 1861, aged three weeks
 10. Pamelia Miller, b. Oct. 25, 1862, d. date unknown married Robert Ross Holmes, 1 known son
 11. Lafayette DeFrance Miller, b June 6, 1865 d. Oct. 9, 1916,  married  Hannah May Yoders,
            2 children
 12. Charles D Miller, born Sept. 28, 1872, died May 10, 1897 aged 25 years, unmarried

  *2 Above Joseph Allison Miller was the father of my grand mother Mary B Miller Claffey.  It was about the time of Joseph A.'s birth in 1850 that John F. began to take on active role in the Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church and became the Sabbath School Librarian.  Prior to this, he and his brother Tunis Miller also served as lay moderators before the system was changed from lay to pastoral moderators in 1850.  In 1873 he was elected elder, a position he held until his death in 1903.  Also from June 3, 1877 until August 23, 1890, John F. Miller was Clerk of Session of The Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church of Ten 
Mile, Pa.
    He  and at least five other members of his family are listed as a subscribers to rebuild the church in 1882. John F.'s brother Tunis worked on the building committee.  John F Miller, himself a carpenter, was awarded the contracts to
   a. tear down the old structure   --  $75.00
   b. take up the floor          -- $9.50
   c. take out seats             -- $2.00
   d. after church was completed -- @ .38 per foot to erect a fence of pinee palings.

John F Miller was paid a total of $213.91 when the work was completed. The new church was dedicated December 10, 1882.

That lovely country church still stands today and the well kept adjoining cemetery holds the remains of John Franklin Miller, his two wives, several of his thirteen children,  several of his siblings along with his parents Joseph and Permelia Miller.

Obituaries of both Martha DeFrance Miller  [obit 2] and John F Miller  [obit 1] are on the following page.
     Washington County, Pa  Beers 1893
     Mounts-Claffey Obituaries, Washington News Papers compiled 1994 by Glenn W and Carol Ann Mounts
     Census records Washington Pa. 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880
     Rural Reflections of Amwell Township, pub 1978
     The 140th Anniversary History of Pleasant Hill Church compiled by Rev Fred Cochran
     Benjamin Miller, Revolutionary Patriot and His Descendants compiled by Virginia Miller Baker,  
     Percy Miller Lydick, Bess Breese, Elva Miller, Irene Miller Hill,  Aldene Miller Thompson

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