Miller Family Obituaries
1. John Franklin Miller  Obituary
KILLED BY FALL FROM WINDOW   Washington Reporter Nov. 29, 1903
John Miller, Sr., Meets Death at Waynesburg.    (Died 11-26-1903)
John Miller, Sr., formerly a well known Washington county farmer, fell from the second story window of the home of his son, John Miller, at East Waynesburg, some time early Thursday morning and was killed.
     Just how the distressing accident happened is not known and never will be, for no one saw him fall and life was extinct when he was picked up. The sad accident came as a shock to the deceased's family, and it was a sad Thanksgiving Day at the home. The deceased slept in the same room with his son, and on a cot. For some time he had not been very well, but was not in serious condition. At times he would take choking spells, and it is supposed that some time during the early morning that he had taken on of these spells. In order to get some fresh air he had gone to the window, raising it, when he was stricken in some manner and fell out. In falling he had first alighted on a porch roof and from there fell to the ground.
     His son was suddenly awakened and he supposes the noise of his father going through the window had aroused him. He missed his father at once and got up. He looked around upstairs, then went down and out on the porch, discovering the body lying on the ground at the side of the porch. A physician was called, but death had probably been instant. The body was yet warm when found. Coroner Knox, of Greene County, was called Thursday forenoon and will report it accidental death.
     The deceased formerly lived at Ten Mile, this county (Washington County), where he was a well known resident. For some time he had been living about with his children. He was a member of C.P. (Cumberland Presbyterian) church at Ten Mile, and since being in Waynesburg was regular in attendance at the C. P. church at that place. Besides the son at Waynesburg, three sons, Joseph, Osborne and Lafayette, reside in Washington. Another son Allison lives in Montana, and a daughter, Mrs. Ralph Holmes, lives in McDonald. Mrs. Dan Baker, of near Ten Mile, is also a daughter. One brother, Tunis Miller, resides with his daughter, Mrs. Curry, at Waynesburg. He was about 83 years.

2.  Martha J. DeFrance Miller Obituary
Mrs Martha D. Miller                Washington Paper died 09-18-1893 
     Mrs Martha D. Miller, wife of Jno F. (John Franklin) Miller, Ten Mile Village, died on Monday afternoon after quite a brief illness of general debility. She was about sixty seven years old. The deceased had two sons in this place, Joseph A. Miller, in the employ of Walker & Slater, and O. Miller, a pattern maker for Fisk, Lane & Fisk. Mrs. Miller's maiden name was DeFrance, and Chas. DeFrance, Claysville, Hugh and Allison DeFrance, McConnell's Mills, and F. C. DeFrance Dunsfort, are brothers. She was a serious member of the Pleasant Hill C. P. (Cumberland Presbyterian) church and her remains will be interred in the graveyard attached to the church on Wednesday afternoon, the funeral services to be held at 3 p. m. on that day.

3. Osborne Miller
Washington Pa Paper (July 27, 1934, Probably, Washington Reporter.)
Osborne Miller, Long Resident Here,  Died This Morning

Osborne Miller, 80, of 50 Brookside Avenue, died at 10 o’clock this morning in his home after three weeks illness due to a cerebral hemorrhage. He was the last (survivor) of nine children of the late Mr. And Mrs. John F. Miller
of Ten Mile. He had resided in Washington (PA) almost half a century, and until three years ago was employed by B. D. Northrup. He was a member of the Central Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his wife, Sarah Jane Meloy Miller, a daughter Mrs. Blanche M. Day, wife of Hershal Day of Canonsburg. The body is to be taken tonight to the H.M. Day home, 502 West College Street, Canonsburg. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

[CACM editorial note;  Other information gathered. Osborne Day was buried July 29, 1934 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Clergy = Rev McConkey .These are true facts reported in funeral records of A Blaine Day. This is the cemetery adjoining the Ten Mile Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Also Osborne Miller was born there in Ten Mile, Amwell Township, Washington Co Pa.
Osborne Miller’s parents (John Franklin Miller {b Pa } and Martha J. DeFrance Miller {b Pa) are buried there along with many of their children and relatives.]
Contradiction arises because of two facts:
a.   Osborne Miller had an older brother Osborne Miller who was born Sept. 28, 1848 and died Sept. 15, 1852,
      two years before Osborne # 2 was born.  That child is listed in cemetery records in 
b.   neither Osborne #2 or his wife Sarah Jane Meloy Miller are listed among those interred there.  Osborne 
      Miller was my great, great uncle. I believe that I may have a photo of him with his brother, Joseph Allison 
      Miller, (my great grand father).

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