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To get the answers regarding the What, Who, Why, How and When questions for DRC Walvis Bay North, read through the following pages and learn more about us. Much of the Web Page is still under construction, but the information will be updated as we continue.
WHAT? This is our vision: Through Jesus alone, we serve each other and reach out to the world.
It consists of the following 3 parts.
Our Church Anthem, T-Shirts and Letterheads, yes even our Church's Tower communicate our vision ! Please take note of the front page logo, even the cup and saucer are loaded with symbolism. The symbolism is explained in our vision.
WHO? a Mission is the WHO which points you to the WHAT. a Vision is byblical, flexable and created by attenders. Evaluations are done periodically.
Our strategie is planned using goals. See goals in circle with 5 G's. The outside circle is the Community. The goal is evangelism. In 1999 we reached confirmed membership. We are trying to bring the one circle closer to the kernel, the bigger group circle. Read more about this in our strategies.
Our Mission: Transform churched unbelievers into new christians in Christ!
WHY ? Our values are why we exist. An acronym is formed by combining the first letters of each of our nine values. The acronym reads : VERNUWING (SELREWIMD).
HOW? Strategie is HOW we are going to do what (vision) we want to do. Goals: Helps the WHAT (vision) and WHO (mission) to bring over to the HOW (strategy) we are going to do it.
WHEN? The measurement is WHEN we are going to do WHAT (Vision) we are going to do.
Church's Address Dutch Ref. Church Walvis Bay North Phone : +264 64 203670
Rev. Welly du Toit Tinka Kruger |
If you need to contact the Minister of Church Secretary, you can send e-mail to above address or contact them at their phone numbers. Your problems or information will be kept highly confidential.
The latest photo of the Du Toit family.
(f.l.t.r Renate, Ludwig, Mechthild, Welly, Jean)
Latest photo of our Church Building. We thank the Lord for the knowledge and vision that made this happen. Praise the Lord, this was a true success !!!
Please Sign the Visitor book | Read the Visitor book |
Office Church Secretary: Office Hours: Children Club: |
Hours Services:
Evening Sermon : 18h00 Children's Service: |
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