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Lives With Wolves'

Pics of My Wolf-Dogs

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All the photos on this page are of my dogs; Hoppie, Smokey, and Keisha.

All Photos - © Copyright 2001 - Keith Becker
All Rights Reserved


   Hoppie - This is my three-legged dog.  Ok, so the name is not very original.  So shoot me!  Hoppie is my oldest dog and came to me as a stray in 1985.  I think that she is part Border Collie and maybe some regular Collie.  She had probably been hit by a car about four months before she found me.  She had been holding her broken leg up for so long, that all the tendons had shrunk up causing her paw to curl under.  She had been using the back of her paw to walk and run on. The back of her paw was worn down to the bone.  I keep her paw tied up so she will not try to use it. It took five years to heal.  When I found her, (sorry, when she found me) she weighed only 21 pounds, nothing but skin and bones.  Now she is a healthy 48 pounds.
UPDATE: Hoppie died in September, 1998, shortly after first creating this page. She died from complications of old age. She is sorely missed. 7/6/01

  Smokey - Smokey was my first wolf-dog.  She was born in April 1990.  Her mother was 100% Arctic Wolf and was pure white.  Her father was 50% timber wolf and half Shepherd (that's where she gets the big ears).  This makes her 75% wolf.  I got her from a neighbor when she was five weeks old.  The neighbor was baby-sitting her mother for a few months for a friend who neglected to tell him that she (the mother) was pregnant.  Smokey was the runt of the litter and my neighbor told me that he was going to take her to the pound because he could not find anyone to take her.  (Do I have sucker written on my face, or what?)  I knew that this was a ploy, but I took one look at her and I melted.  I only had her for one week when she had her left eye poked out.  She came running and yelping across the yard at 6:00 a.m. one morning.  I took her to the vet and he put the eye back into the socket (with a spoon!) and sewed the eye shut for a week.  She recovered very well and I don't think she suffered any ill effects.  She has excellent vision.  She weighs 85 pounds and loves people!  She is always ready to play!  She loves people so much, that I take her to do Animal Therapy with developmentally disabled children and young adults.
UPDATE: Smokey died near the end of January, 2000, from a very fast and nasty cancer. It was so sudden, less than a month and she only became ill during the last week of her life. I never knew what was wrong with her till after she died. I took her to the vet when she first showed signs of illness at the beginning of the week, but we did not know what was wrong with her.... Seven days later, she was dead. Keisha (her daughter) pined away for her for months. Thats when I decided to try and adopt a rescued wolfdog as a companion for Keisha (see below). God, I miss her.....  7/6/01

  Keisha - Keisha is Smokey's pup.  SShe was born in April 1995.  Her father (Rio) is 75% Timber Wolf and two kinds of Husky.  So she is also 75% wolf.  Keisha looks just like her dad.  She was the only pup to survive out of a litter of seven.  Smokey had a very hard labor (took 18 hours to get all the pups out).  The first three pups were born live and the last four were still-born.  Smokey had such a difficult labor that she would not let her pups nurse.  I tried to bottle feed them but they would not take it.  Finally two of the pups got too weak and I had to have then put to sleep.  Just when I was about to give up on Keisha, Smokey got the last pup out and settled down and Keisha started nursing.  What can I say?  Keisha is Keisha!  She is slightly shy of people (typical of wolves) but once she gets to know you she's a pest!  Always wants to play!  She weighs 72 pounds.

Comming Soon: In June of 2000 I adopted another wolfdog, Wolfie, as a companion for Keisha. Then in July of the same year (2000), I adopted another, Sadie. In May, 2001, I adopted my third, Timber. Their stories and how I came to adopt them will be added to this site at a future date (check back) and on some new pages. I will also add some more recent pics of Keisha and of course pics of my new arrivals....

Photo Section

(Click on photo to see a larger image)

  Smokey, Hoppie, and Keisha, summer 1995.  Keisha has the same floppy ear that Smokey had at her age.

  Hoppie, summer 1995.  Hoppie is my three-legged dog.  She was a stray when I found her (Oops, when she found me).  I keep her broken leg (healed but no muscle function) tied up to keep her from running on it. Hoppie died September, 1998.

  Smokey, summer 1995.  Smokey is my first wolf-dog.  She is 75% wolf.  You couldn't tell that she had her right eye poked out when she was six weeks old.  She recovered fine and has perfect vision. Smokey died January, 2000

  Keisha, summer 1995.  Keisha is my second wolf-dog.  Smokey is her mother and Rio is her dad.  She has her fathers looks but is a little lighter in color.  She has the same white triangle on her head and the black tip on her tail as her dad.  You can't tell by the pic, but she just finished attacking and killing a vicious pine cone!

  Rio, January 1995.  Rio is not mine.  He is Keisha's dad, so I thought I would include his pic here.  Rio is 75% wolf and is related to the wolf-dog in the White Fang movie (his grand-pa I think).  Good looking wolf- dog.

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