Passengers of the St.Andre Ship (1659)
to Quebec City, New-France



by Danielle Duval LeMyre

"We were there! Quebec, Canadian, French, American, Amerindian, Acadian, European Roots, a Genealogy & a History"
by Danielle Duval LeMyre

Click here to Order one of Danielle's books of the Series
"We were there! Quebec, American, Canadian, Amerindian, Acadian and European Roots,
a Genealogy and History of the 17th-18th century in New-France and Canada"

Passengers list 1659
St-André ship
Arrival in Quebec City

A reader, writer and friend, Ms Lorene Valdez sent us the Archange Godbout list of passengers for the 1659 arrivals in Quebec, with the old spellings, and for further details on the list, the ship, the events surrounding its crossing and good biographical details on the passengers, with reproduction of many engagement contracts found in France, she suggests you read the excellent research book written by P.Archange Godbout, "LES PASSAGERS DU SAINT-ANDRÉ", published by Société Généalogique Canadienne-Française, Montréal, 1964, 163 pages. Still in stock.

Reproduction of Archives Document
In the fall of 1658, Jeanne Mance and Marguerite Bourgeoys left Montréal for France to raise some financing and get new recruits for Montréal. In France during the following winter, the Associés de Montréal [The Associates of Montreal] provided funds to contract a few soldiers and brides-to-be for some of the settlers, Jeanne Mance with the financing of Madame de Bullion recruited three nurse-nuns for her Hôtel-Dieu hospital in Montréal, a few brides-to-be and some families most from the village of Marans in Aunis, and the Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice [Saint-Sulpice Seminary] of Paris contracted some labourers, artisans and future brides.

A list of the people recruited for Montréal was prepared, maybe by Jeanne Mance herself, before or after the trip,and has been kept until today as document 31 at the archives de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal. Hôtel-Dieu, still in existence today, is the hospital founded by Jeanne Mance.

This is the list reproduced here:

Soldat pour le fort:
Monsr. de Belaistre
Mr. de Rouvré
Mr. Imber
Mr. de la Vigne
Mr. Brijat
Mr. de la Place

Pour Monsieur Labbé de Queylus:
Monsieur le Maistre, prestre
Monsieur Vignal, prestre
francois bailly, maître-masson
le beau pere dudict bailly
Claude fezeret, maître-serreurier
Jean Condar, masson
André bouret, masson
Gilles de Vainne, masson
Jaques Metivier, masson
Jaques Mareteau, masson
Jaques Berriau, masson
Estienne trutault, charpentier
Julien Averti, serreurier
Jaques le pretre, fandeur de boys Et defricheur
Pierre Nepveu, fandeur de boys Et defricheur
René Moreau, defricheur
Estienne hardouin, defricheur
Mathurin Rouillé, defricheur
Monsieur Vignal, luy meme
Noel legal, menuisier
Gabriel de Rié, defricheur
Anthoine huet, defricheur

Pour les hospitalières:
René Cullerier, defricheur
Jehan Celier, defricheur et boulanger

Pour Mr de St André:
Luy mesme
Michel bouvier, masson
Jean le blanc, defricheur

Pour Madlle Marguerite bourgeoys:
Richard pajot

Pour Madlle Mance:
Urban Graveline
Robert perroy
Jaques bonnin
pierre Moreau
André treiault
Gregoire simon
pierre perusseau
Noel Davignon

Pour Monsieur Vignal:
Le picart, menuisier
Thomas Mousnyer

Pour les familles de Maran (de Madlle Mance)
Olivier Charboneau
Simon Cardinau
Jaques Cardinau
Jehan Cardinau
pierre Goyet
Jehan Roy
Mathurin tibaudeau
Jaques tibaudeau
pierre Guiberje
Elie Beaujehan
Estienne Cougnon
des moulins
Le nepveu de desmoulins

Pour Monsieur Souart:
Jehan Renou, defricheur
Jehan Martineau, defricheur
Jullien belois, defricheur
Anthoinne Courtemanche, defricheur

La Mere Judith Moreau de bresolles, superieure
Soeur Catherine Macé
Soeur Marie Maillet
Marie polo, leur servante

Pour Madlle Mance:
Mademoiselle Mance
Madlle belaistre
Suzane du Verger
françoise du Verger
Catherine Marchant
Thereze le breuil
Catherine lotier
Anne You
Denize le Maistre
Catherine Charles
françoise Saunier

Pour Madlle Marguerite Bourgeoys:
Elle mesme
Aimée Chastel
Catherine Crolau
Marie Raisin

Pour monsieur Souart:
Madlle Gaucher

Pour Monsr de St André:
Madlle de St André
Thoinnette halton

Pour Odiau dict la fleche:
Marie Mousnier, feme dud. Odiau
la fille dud Odiau

Pour Monsieur de Queylus:
la feme de francois bailly, Mre masson
la feme de Claude fezeret, Mre-serreurier

Pour lhabitation Envoies par le Sr de La Dauversiere:
Magdelaine fabrecque
Isabel Camus
Marguerite Rebours
Marguerite Maclin

Pour Monsieur Souart:
la femme de jaques beauchamps
la feme de Charboneau
la fille de Charboneau
la femme de Cardinau
la femme de Goyet
la fille de Goyet
la femme de Roy
lafemme et trois filles de tibaudeau
la femme et deux filles de Guiberge
la femme Et la fille de beaujehan
la feme de des Moulins

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A few years earlier, in 1653, another large complement of people arrived in Montreal on the St-Nicholas de Nantes ship (Click here for passenger list) and at the time it litterally saved the whole French colony from being destroyed by the Iroquois

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At the death of Samuel de Champlain on December 25th 1635, there were few women in Quebec since his own wife , Helene Boule (Boulay) returned to France after an unpleasant experience, and he thereafter did not encourage the feminine element in la Nouvelle-France.

Click here for the list of French women living in Quebec city in 1636.

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Click here for INFO on the TOWN of SAINT-AIGNAN in Normandie, near ROUEN.


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© Copyright Danielle Duval LeMyre 1998-2003