Welcome to my Guestbook!

Margaret LaGue-Hobler - 12/28/00 03:07:50
My Email:mmguehob@bright.net
Mother's name of birth: Emily LaFortune (dit Tellier)
Father's name of birth: Harry Charles LaGue
Where were you born?: Fowler, Indiana
DoB(m/d/y): Jan 5, 1925
Favorite colour?: red/white
I love your site. I plan on ordering several of your books. I am 100% French-Canadian, from Quebec province and Acadia. Marsolet, Damours, Guyon are among my grandparents.

Kenneth J. LeSage - 12/22/00 22:34:39
My Email:Malaukar13@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Ruth Okenkowski
Father's name of birth: John Louis LeSage
Where were you born?: Michigan
DoB(m/d/y): 12-13-59
Favorite colour?: Purple
Please send me any other lists of my family tree that you may know of.

Bad Bunny - 12/02/00 07:29:24
My URL:http://www.girlsoficq.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Huguette D'Amours - 11/25/00 03:43:28
Mother's name of birth: Philomene Dube
Father's name of birth: Ernest D'Amours
Where were you born?: Edmundston, N.B.
DoB(m/d/y): 10/29/38
Time of birth?: 12:30
Favorite colour?: Aqua

Anne Marie H. Lemyre - 11/18/00 16:58:34
My Email:skanu@yahoo.com
Mother's name of birth: Colleen I. Truax
Father's name of birth: Michael F. Lemyre
Where were you born?: Toronto, ON, Canada
DoB(m/d/y): 03/02/76
Favorite colour?: Purple
I find it interesting to read about the Lemyre name. We traced our history at the archives in Ottawa and found the Lemyre name stopped a few generations ago, due to an error in spelling on the records. I do know that my grandfather's side (My dad's) is fr m France originially and my grandmother's (My dad's) was from the Isle of Jersey in Britain. My mother's was Irish.

Guy D'Amours - 11/17/00 03:08:54
My Email:joguy@loginnovation.com
Mother's name of birth: Philomene Dube
Father's name of birth: Ernest D'Amours
Where were you born?: Edmundston N.B.
DoB(m/d/y): 05/02/31
Favorite colour?: all of them
It looks like an awful lot of D'Amours!

Jiivan Jean lais Mathieu - 11/17/00 01:47:53
My Email:growhemp@ziplip.com
Mother's name of birth: Madeleine Blais
Father's name of birth: Louis Victor Joseph Mathieu
Where were you born?: Shefferville, Qc.
DoB(m/d/y): 10/21/1959
Time of birth?: 20:45
Favorite colour?: rainbow, violet or green

Dietmar - 10/15/00 09:10:18
My URL:http://www.polite.de
My Email:d58@gmx.de
Hello Danielle, thank's a lot for visiting my site. I am glad you liked it. Unfortunally I have not been deeply into Canada yet. I hope I can do a nature-trip some time to see more of your country. Dietmar

"David" Claude Lesage - 09/12/00 15:07:22
My URL:http://www.lesage.org
My Email:dlesage@lesage.org
Mother's name of birth: Germaine Olivaut
Father's name of birth: Maurice Lesage
Where were you born?: Paris France
DoB(m/d/y): 7/31/48
Time of birth?: 8pm gmt
Favorite colour?: blue
Nice site, I only have 5 Lesage left in this branch. My son, David Keith Lesage is the last generation (20 years old) I Moved to the US in 1968 DAvid

Rhonda - 08/03/00 01:56:14
My Email:TheGirlz3@Juno.Com
Where were you born?: NH
I'm looking for a family ancestor under the surname of Madore and Girard. I'm under the understand that they were from Trois-Rivie'res Canada , but I am not able to find any thing on them. Please contact my E-mail address if you have any information. Than you ,Rhonda

joseph emile royale ethier - 08/02/00 14:05:45
My Email:royethier@bigfoot.com
Mother's name of birth: lacroix
Father's name of birth: ethier
Where were you born?: ottawa ontario canada
DoB(m/d/y): 07/21/58 (twin)bro-robert
Time of birth?: mine-11:55pm-his-11:48pm
Favorite colour?: red
you have wonderful information and i like your dolphins too.i came upon your page while i was looking for the loisel index, i don't if it on the web. i haven't found it yet. i was using a program i downloaded called the web ferret,it uses about 15 differe t search engines at the same time and you start it off by entering a key word and it will give you back up to 500 addresses which it connects to using your key word. your sight came up under genealogy.i'm looking for the loisel index because while doing r search on my family in montreal and elsewhere it was very helpful,as was the gagnon books.i know i am descended from leanord estier and elisabeth godillon filles de roi. i am from their last son joseph. joseph was the only one who grew up not knowing his ather as his father was killed in that large indian raid.i am the first generation in my family that does not speak french growing up in english southern ontairio.although i am capable of translating using a dictionary.i have done all the lines in my fami y,my grandmother on my fathers side is deslaurier,on my mothers side is pelletier, the only one i haven't found yet is my mothers fathers father who was lacroix,but iam sure in time i will. right now i am researching with the help of the computer "land pa ent" in the united states i have only begun to learn about them but they are like land grants ,the government owns the land in the US not like the queen in canada.the US gave land patents signed by the president whoever he was at the time and you were the original owner of the land and noone could take it from you and it was yours and your heirs forever. there are alot of patents to search to see if your relatives owned land down there it very interestin.well thankyou for your sight feel free if you'd like to contact me.aurevoir

Christina Hatzakis - 07/25/00 15:19:22
My Email:showgal@ix.netcom.com
Mother's name of birth: Marie Therese HELENE Tessier
Father's name of birth: Michael Panteliemon Hatzakis
Where were you born?: Milwaukee, WI USA
DoB(m/d/y): Dec. 19, 1974
Time of birth?: approx. 2 pm
Favorite colour?: hunter green
My family tree consist of both tessier's and massicotte's on my mother's side. I am just starting to research my family history. Any help would definately be appriciated.

sharon taylor - 07/25/00 02:18:58
My Email:staylor281@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: dupras
Father's name of birth: price
Where were you born?: marysville,ca
DoB(m/d/y): 03-22-47
Favorite colour?: aqua/blues

Paul Lemire - 06/30/00 14:51:20
My Email:lemireph@pweh.com
Mother's name of birth: Elinor Nolan
Father's name of birth: Henry v. Lemire
Where were you born?: Hartford ct.
DoB(m/d/y): 2/21/51
Favorite colour?: blue

Ambert Fish-Madison - 06/18/00 07:11:11
My Email:trebma@home.com
Mother's name of birth: Mary Marino
Father's name of birth: George Edward Fish
Where were you born?: San Diego, Calif
DoB(m/d/y): 11-26-47
Time of birth?: 0730
Favorite colour?: Lavender
I have been hitting dead ends on the early Marsolet for years until tonight when I found your website. I am a direct descendent on my father's side. His mother was Ambert D'Amours deCourberone The spelling changes to Colburn. His father was William Joseph Fish (Poisson. I would love to hear from you. Ambert II

GERARD JOLICOEUR - 06/14/00 14:09:10
My Email:jolig@voyageur.ca
Mother's name of birth: Therese Cote'
Father's name of birth: Laurent Jolicoeur
Where were you born?: Rainy River, ON
DoB(m/d/y): 04/05/49
Time of birth?: ???????????
Favorite colour?: blue
I am seeking family tree and unable to get past my grandparents and would like to know if you have any great ideas.Thanks

PAUL R. BISSON - 05/21/00 16:53:39
My Email:prbisson77@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Léa Couture
Father's name of birth: Adolphe Bisson
Where were you born?: Somersworth,NH USA
DoB(m/d/y): sept. 1932
Time of birth?: abt 4:30 am
Favorite colour?: blue
Chère Danielle, Your site is excellent and full of wonderful genealogical tid-bits. I loved the page on the Marsolet family since I am now researching Nicolas and his descendants. His descendants inter-married with the descendants of Gervais Bisson (Buisson), my ancestor thus making us distant relatives. Meilleurs voeux de la Floride, Paul Bisson

Pamela WoodallEllington - 04/06/00 18:24:46
My Email:Rcepwe@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Renee Eudora D'Amour
Father's name of birth: Robert John Woodall
Where were you born?: Holland, Michigan
DoB(m/d/y): 10/13/1949
Favorite colour?: lavender
My grandfather was Raynard Joseph D'Amour and his father was Napoleon D'Amour and his dad was David D'Amour whose father and his mother was Gracieux Lemire. David's father was Joseph D'Amour and his mother was Adelaide Dube and so forth and so on. Anymore info on the family I would really appreciate.. Thanks in advance... Pam

Bernadette (Lemire) - 03/30/00 13:27:06
My URL:/Heartland/Shores/3342/FrenchCanadian/lemireancestry.html
My Email:bernrr@netscape.net
Where were you born?: New Hampshire
Sorry, hesitant in giving out info. My cousin Bud Lemire forwarded your web page to me. Any of the above info. can be found on my homepage (except for dates/specifics.

Bud Lemire - 03/28/00 03:12:47
My Email:budlem@portup.com
Mother's name of birth: Mary Lucille JOINT
Father's name of birth: Clarence Leo LEMIRE
Where were you born?: Escanaba, Michigan USA
DoB(m/d/y): 1/21/1960
Time of birth?: 8:00 PM
Favorite colour?: Blue
I am a French Canadian genealogist, and love meeting all my Lemire cousins. I've researched our name for over ten years. I would love for any Lemire descendant to get in touch with me and exchange our ancestry and share information.

rosana lemire - 03/26/00 10:30:46
My Email:auntyrose36@hotmail.com
Mother's name of birth: ethel Blackwell
Father's name of birth: camille lemire
Where were you born?: alberta,canada
DoB(m/d/y): April 26,1955
Time of birth?: 1205am
Favorite colour?: blue
hi, I am a Lemire who is desparately trying to find out where my fathers family came from and who they are. I know they came with Champlain I think on hiwwecibd voyage, my grandmothers name was Fleurant please e mail me back

Edward Callahan - 03/20/00 17:14:53
My Email:eastgram@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Helen Rock
Father's name of birth: Daniel Callahan
Where were you born?: Boston, Ma. USA
DoB(m/d/y): 12/18/1943
Time of birth?: 7:30 p.m.
Favorite colour?: blue
I am a very distant desendant of Jean Lamire and Louise Marsolet. They are my 7great grandparents. I was referred to this site by a distant cousin through the Rock line. It is fascinating to discover this history. I have been rereading about the history o New France and have seen some of these names of my ancestors in the history books that heretofore I had been totally unaware of as having a connection. I am sure my other family members will be as interested as I. Thank you for the effort you have taken o compile this information and present it as you have. Sincerely, Ed Callahan

Lévis Lemire - 03/10/00 11:23:56
My Email:lemire@globetrotter.net
Mother's name of birth: Clothilde Barbeau
Father's name of birth: Maurice Lemire
Where were you born?: Baie du Febvre
DoB(m/d/y): janvier 18 1933
Time of birth?: ???
Favorite colour?: Toutes.Je suis daltonien!
Fantastique ce site!!Remerciements de ma tribu! Si vous m'envoyez vos textes avant publication, je vous soumettrai des corrections de français avec tous mes respects! Au plaisir de vous lire. Lévis.

LEMYRE DIANE - 03/06/00 01:44:26
Mother's name of birth: LEDUC JACQUELINE
Father's name of birth: LEMYRE RENÉ
Where were you born?: MONTRÉAL, QUÉBEC CANADA
DoB(m/d/y): 08/09/1952
Time of birth?: 6:30am
Favorite colour?: GREEN

Robert F. La Mere - 02/15/00 16:57:43
My Email:rflamere@ricochet.net
Mother's name of birth: Ruth Evelyn Hartwig
Father's name of birth: Richard Burdette La Mere
Where were you born?: Wausau, Wisconsin
DoB(m/d/y): 02-21-40
Favorite colour?: Green
Very nice site! Many collateral details about our first families. Are you connected in any way with the Lemire Family Association in Baie du Febvre?

Joe LeMere - 02/13/00 15:33:37
My Email:moneta@ix.netcom.com
Mother's name of birth: Darlene Elizabeth Eells
Father's name of birth: Jules Joseph LeMere
Where were you born?: Washington, D.C.
DoB(m/d/y): 01/17/1950
Time of birth?: 12:48 P.M.
Great site. I have bookmarked the page and will visit often. Thanks for taking the time to place this site on the web and for your work in the research of our family/ancestors.

Paul R. Lemire - 02/12/00 03:04:14
My Email:pwlemire@telusplanet.net
Mother's name of birth: Delia Cyre
Father's name of birth: Paul-Emile Lemire
Where were you born?: McLennan, AB
DoB(m/d/y): 08-27-36

- 02/04/00 18:33:26

Chris Gaudry - 02/04/00 18:28:09
Mother's name of birth: Sylvie Calmon
Father's name of birth: Richard Gaudry
Where were you born?: Savannah Ga

Angel - 09/13/99 04:32:00
My Email:arami55@yahoo.com
Mother's name of birth: Obry
je voulais juste te dire bonsoir :))))))))) XOXOXOXOXOXOX

Michel Guevremont - 09/12/99 23:04:46
My Email:guevrjlm.msn@attcanada.net
I have info between 1643-1999 Re; Guevremont (CA & US), Info on Quevremont (FR), Quievremont 1400-1657 (FR). I am seeking any data on the above.

Estelle (Perras) Stasz - 09/06/99 13:09:05
My Email:EStasz0807@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Lamothe
Father's name of birth: Perras
Where were you born?: Holyoke, MA
DoB(m/d/y): August 7. 1949
Time of birth?: 7:30am
Favorite colour?: Red

- 09/04/99 15:09:53

- 09/04/99 15:08:01

Johnna Moniz - 08/02/99 20:43:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/2693/index.htm
My Email:jtmoniz@aol.com
Mother's name of birth: Elizabeth A. Pelletier
Father's name of birth: John H. St-Jacques
Where were you born?: Novato, Ca, USA
DoB(m/d/y): Jan 30, 1962
Time of birth?: 4:36pm
Favorite colour?: Hunter Green
{{Danielle}} You have a wonderful site! I will be spending much time here. Johnna ================================================== Johnna St. Jacques-Moniz - Tacoma, WA - jtmoniz@aol.com Johnna's Genealogy Page: http://members.aol.com/jtmoniz/family/index.htm The Cheval dit St-Jacques Resource Center http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/2693/index.htm ==================================================

Angel - 10/03/98 01:36:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Balcony/2149
My Email:arami55@yahoo.com
What's your mother's birth name?: Obry
What's your father's name?: Duval LeMyre
Place of birth?: Montreal
Date of birth?(m/d/y): 03-22-43
Hour of birth?(as precisely as possible): 16:40?
Salut ma belle!!!!!!!!!!! Comme tu vois, et je ne m'en suis rendue compte qu'après l'avoir choisi, ton site donne 13!!!!! J'ai pensé que c'était de bon augure *S*.... Love Hugs and kisses....

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