"We were there!"
Canadian, American, Amerindian,
Acadian & European Roots,
a Genealogy & History of
our Ancestors : Justine Papin
by Danielle Duval LeMyre
Messages: (514) 995-4677

Justine Pichon-Toulouse PAPIN
(Born June 10
Dame Joseph-Nicaise Lemire-Marsolet
Please note, there
are greater details in the French Pichon-Papin text.Danielle

Justine's Childhood
Justine Papin never knew her Mother,
Marie Josephte Mercure Pichon-Toulouse.
Yet she had quite a wonderful life.
She was born in 1818, a first child,
and even if her Mother died right after she was born,
her Maternal Grand-Mother,
Josephte Mercure from Villenouvelle,
dame Francois-Benjamin Pichon-Toulouse,
took care of both the child and
the household of her son-in-law, Basile Papin.
When two years later he re-married,
his new wife Rose Peltier was happy to share
the home with both Justine and her Grandmother.
There were many new children born from
Marie-Rose Peltier and Basile Papin marriage
It is a long story. Justine was always rich.
She had inherited the money from her Mother,
at birth, and would inherit, with her aunt,
her Maternal Grand-Mother's assets.
Justine fell in love with the boy next door,
Joseph Nicaise Lemire Marsolet
they married and were happy together.
Still she had her problems. Not many children
survived early childhood in those years,
and Justine lost many of hers.
As you will see by the list, she had 14 children,
but only half of which reached adolescence.
So we could ask:
"At the end of a life, can one feel fulfilled,
especially if there are countless trials?"
Well, if love is the justification,
Justine must have done well because her children
and Grand-Children loved her and
remembered her long after
she had gone.
I was personally told (she was the Mother
of my Father's
Paternal Grand-Father)
that she was such a ceaseless
worker that she could knit a pair of socks in the coach
between Quebec and Montreal. Yes
Also, we know that she kept a quiet and
serene composure at all times.
In the face of adversity,
this gentle soul did not lose her
Yes, it is true, she did not have financial exigencies,
but those
are not the only problems in life!
Justine was two years old when her
Father remarried.
Her step-mother, Marie-Rose Pelletier,
instilled good
manners in her.
Marie-Rose Pelletier was the widow
of Jean-Francois Regis
Josephte Mercure from Villenouvelle,
Francois-Benjamin Pichon-Toulouse,
her maternal Grand-Mother was also
living in the same household
If Basile Papin was Justine's Father,
Mother's family was the Pichon-Toulouse.
The Pichon name is very old.
There was a Governor of Mede, during
reign of Alexander, in 317 B.C.
The Toulouse have long been known
in France.
Louis-Alexandre, count of Toulouse, was a
legitimate son of
Louis XIV and Mme de Montespan.
Louis-Alexandre was born at Versailles (1678-1737)
and he was educated by Mme de Maintenon
who would be the last second & last wife of Louis XIV.
was also Admiral of France.
Eugene Toulouse, sculptor & archeologist,
in Paris in 1838,
made several discoveries under the city of Paris.
He was
also Member of the Academie de Douai
& co-authored the "Dictionnaire des
The first member of the Pichon-Toulouse in
America was
Simon Dominique, b.1657,
married in 1689 to Marie Bresac/Brissac.
lived in Montreal.
* * * * * *
Children of Simon-Dominique Pichon-Toulouse
Marie Brissac or Bressac:
1. Marie-Anne, b.1689, married Zacharie Desjardins at 22
Their son, Antoine Desjardins married Therese Lemire
2. Angelique, Sr St-Felix, CDN, d.1709;
3. Therese, b.1697, married twice:
1* Jean-Baptiste Morin
2* Guillaume Bonhomme-Dulac
4. Marguerite,
5. Joseph Pichon-Toulouse, married Marie Martin;
Marie-Angelique, married Noel Berthiaume;
7. Cecile, b.1704,
married in
1731 to Joseph Lalonge dit l'Espagnol;
8. Pierre Pichon-Toulouse,
married in 1739 to Marie-Josephe Poirier;
9. Francois
Pichon-Toulouse, b.1708,
married in 1735 to Jeanne Lanthier
(daughter of
Jacques Lantier & Angelique Labry, Lachenaye)
(N.B. the Lantier were
allied to: Bachan, Dubois, Dumetz, Vinet, Ranger, Brunet, ac).
Francois & Jeanne, with their children:
Francois-Marie Pichon-Toulouse,
Marie-Louise Pichon-Toulouse,
Marie-des-Anges Pichon-Toulouse,
were amongst the first settlers of L'Assomption;
Angelique, b.1711, married in 1741
to Jean Dubreuil, dit St-Felix.
Pierre Pichon-Toulouse, b.1714,
married Genevieve Duchesne;
Marguerite, b. 1716,
married Jacques Varin in 1735.
* * * * * * PAPIN Family
(Also, read: CHOUTEAU)
Justine Papin was a Great-Grand-Child of
Papin (b.1669) and his second wife:
Marie-Josephte Besnard de Carignan.
Gilles was the son of
Pierre Papin (b.1631, Sable, Maine, in France,
son of de Francois Papin et Michelle Lagneau)
& Anne Pelletier, (daughter
of Mathurin Pelletier et Catherine
Lagneau, St-Pierre de
Justine was the daughter of Basile Papin (b.1786)
(son of
Louis-Basile Papin
(son of Therese Pare (daughter to Pierre Pare &
Marie-Charlotte Dufaux/Dufault)
& Joseph-Orphee Papin (b.1730),the last
child of Gilles Papin (b.1669)
and his 2nd wife, Marie-Josephe Besnard de
& Marie-Louise Jette, (daughter of Joseph Jette & Marie-Louise
Mauriceau, Repentigny)
and Marie-Josephte Mercure Pichon-Toulouse
(daughter of Francois-Benjamin/Benoni Pichon-Toulouse
& Josephte Mercure
dit Villenouvelle).
The paternal Grand-Father paternel of Justine was
Francois-Marie Pichon-Toulouse, b.1737,
(son of Francois & Jeanne Lantier)
Their son, Benjamin or Benoni, b.1766,
married Marie-Josephte Mercure
dit de Villenouvelle, of Cap-Santé,
daughter of Pierre Mercure and Solange Chaput,
Grand-Daughter of Francois Mercure and Marie Perrot.
So, it was their
daughter, Marie-Josephte Pichon-Toulouse
who married Basile Papin and
became the Mother of Justine,
even if she died soon after the birth.
From birth Justine was well-endowed financially,
both because she was
her Mother's only child and because
her Grand-Mother Josephte Mercure from
Dame Francois-Benjamin Pichon-Toulouse,
having become
widowed split her fortune between her daughter,
Mme Louis-Francois Aumond,
and her Grand-child, Justine.
Her Grand-Mother was living at her
step-son's house, Basile Papin.
Justine Pichon Papin was raised with several
who all loved Mme Toulouse as
if she was
their own Grand-Mother.
In the house she had the largest room.
had many advantages.
When came the time to "round-up" her knowledge
in an
institution, she was accepted in the exclusive finishing
school held by
the Demoiselles Guyon-Lemoyne,
where she was surrounded by the most
eligible young ladies in town:
the demoiselles Dorval, Jobin, d'Orsonnens,
Archambault, Cazeneuve.
Her Grand-Mother lived until after Justine's
to Joseph-Nicaise Lemire-Marsolet,
a Great-Grand-Child of Nicolas
Marsolet & Marie LeBarbier,
thru their daughter Louise and her husband,
Jean Lemire.
Justine & Joseph-Nicaise were married July 16 1838.
Joseph-Nicaise had been born on December 13 1813,
son of Bonaventure
Lemire Marsolet & Helene Roussin.
* * * * * *
The 14 children of
1. Marie Aurelie
2. Marie-Louise, 1841-1870;
3. Joseph-Charles,
4. Marie-Mathilde Odile, 1843-1844.
5. Marie-Lea,
6. Marie-Adelaide Odile, b.1847
7. Jean-Joseph Charles
8. Marie-Adeline Clotilde, b.1851
9. Joseph
Alfred Auguste, b.1853- d.c.1871 in an accident in the U.S.A.
10. Joseph-Louis-Napoleon, 1855-1867
Marie-Lucie-Ursule, 1856-1865
12. Joseph-Georges-Arthur,
13. Marie-Henriette Emilie Hermine, 1860-1865
Marie-Darie-Laura-Albina, 1862-1865.
* * * * * * Other relatives:
Genealogy & History have
commonality in the fact that they
look at the Past in order to help
make better choices in the Future.

For comments, questions, your in-put is welcomed.
Thanks. Danielle