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eMpTy Production's Bead Gallery

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I try to read as much about my crafts as I can, so sometimes I have a hard time recalling where I got an particular idea.  I've found these four  magazines very inspirational;  Michael's Arts & Crafts Magazine, Jewelry Crafts, Beadwork and Bead & Button .  I have purchased many, many books.  There are also several helpful sites online, Beadwork. at About.com., is my favorite. Here's my work.

Aqua w/crystal closure, Black Green w/key, Crystal(ab) w/crystal, Gold w/polyclay.
This set of amulet bags was inspired by an article in the Nov/Dec 1996 Michael's Arts & Crafts Magazine. They are done in brick stitch using three beads.  The original had no fringe, and that's the fun part!  The gold one was my first and I added the fringe a lot later.  The crystal was my first try at branch fringe.
I like to carry scented
stones corresponding to the different chakras I'm having difficulty with at the time.
There are at least three bags missing.  An aqua with an RX enclosure for my sister the pharmacist,  a red one with a fire ladder closure for my sister the firefighter and a purple one for my sister the nut.  I have three sisters whom I love dearly and never see enough.

Gold/Brown,Confetti, Blue/Crystal. This set of  mini amulet bags is from Jewelry Crafts April 1999 issue. I love the look of the confetti one with it's loopy fringe.

Monet's Garden Bracelet and Floral Choker. The bracelet won a first ribbon at the Erie County Fair 1998.  I love to play with it, the way it curls.  The woman at the fair said she had everyone touching it.  I like touchy, feely art.

Black pearls/Crystal, Crystal/Gold. I guess they call these tin cups now.  The lower one is how I got started beading.  My great aunt's necklace broke and I took it apart to find out how it was made.

Men's Chokers in hematite, carnelian, black jade and silver.
I spotted this design on a waiter's neck. After  he caught me staring at him, I explained myself and he let me examine his choker.