Online Resources
This section lists organisations and websites that offer real help for kids and teens who need help dealing with violence.

Telephone Hotlines
If you are having a problem and you need HELP or advice there are national and local telephone helplines you can call. Phoning these numbers is normally free and private. The people you talk to are trained to be able to help you and you dont need to tell them who you are or where you live.
Because these numbers are free they shouldnt show up on your home phone bill but if you are worried about that you might want to call from a phone box or from a friends phone.
Telephone Hotlines |
1-800-799-7233 | National Domestic Violence Hotline |
Battered Women |
Hotline Numbers for Battered Women |
1-800-799-SAFE | New National Hotline |
1-800-422-4453 | Parents Anonymous Hotline |
1-800-345-5044 | Parents Helpline |

Information Resources
This section lists websites that have more information on the subject of violence.
Information Resources |
Sexual Assault Information Page | The Sexual Assault Information Page is a not-for-profit information and referral service created and maintained by Chris Bartley. SAIP provides information concerning acquaintance rape, child sexual abuse/assault, incest, rape, ritual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. All information is provided totally free of charge. |
Wizard's Page of Gang-Related Topics | The site features the letters of Phil Romero, "The Wizard", who for years headed one of Santa Fe's largest gangs. Now 28, he spends his time helping troubled youths. Mr. Romero has also been invited to be a guest on the Jenny Jones Show as a gang expert. In this weekly column, Romero answers letters from youngsters and parents. |

Exceptional Personal Websites
In this section you can find links to the web pages of people who have personal experience dealing with violence.
Personal Websites |
Bill's Story, Portrait of a Son's Suicide | Gabi Clayton, Bill's mother, has put together this incredible site in honor and memory of her son. Bill was openly bisexual, abused at 14, and the victim of a hate attack. Of all the things he experienced, perhaps the most damaging was the abuse! The site is very sensitively done and has links to many wonderful sources! This is a must see site!!! |

Books To Read
This section lists books on the subject of violence that you may find useful or inspiring. Where possible we have included a short review or a link to a review page.
Books To Read |
Title | A Rock and A Hard Place: One Boy’s Triumphant Story |
Auther | Anthony Godby Johnson |
Publisher | Signet, The Penguin Group, 1994. |
Synopsis: ( | A teenager who, until he was eleven years old, had been the victim of horrific physical and sexual abuse on the part of his parents, describes his escape from torment, his diagnosis with AIDS, and his continuing battle for survival. |
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