etclogo.JPG (4559 bytes) Everglades Terrier Club

A Florida based Club of Terrier enthusiasts.

All Dogs are good.  Any Terrier is Better.




About our Club



Terrier Breeds  

Walk for Animals

Earthdog Fun Day

Picnic '99

Picnic '00



Earthdog Fun Day - January 30, 2000

Thanks to Shiela-Faith Barry for a great day in the sun with our dogs!!!

Coaching by the President

Shiela-Faith helped the novice members of ETC understand the techniques of training a terrier to go to ground.

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It took some coaxing and baiting to get the dogs to enter those dark tunnels.

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Some started on the "bunny" trail of the big blue tunnel.

While others got the idea in the end.

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The party and meeting were fun for the humans

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All Dogs are good.  Any Terrier is Better.
Last modified: February 02, 2000