
Before the Show ~ After the Show ~ Show results


Before the show

The show preporation starts already when the chicks are in the nest boxes. I try to get them as calm as possible. The show team is sorted out in July and are transfered from the flights to a smaller cage, where I can have a better look at them. They are now beeing trained in Show cages regulary.
I like to put in a young bird together with an experinced one. I think that the young will learn from the older. I start to spray my birds a couple of weeks before the show using just hot water. I will pull the spots of seven weeks before the show to be sure that they will be there when the show comes.

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After the show

My birds always goes back to a smaller cage coming home from a show, never back to the flight. They need a little bit of rest and a chance to feed properly. At this moment I give millet sprays and softfood the showbirds. If there is more shows coming up I try to get as long as possible between the shows for the bird. That means that I will try not to bring the same bird out two weeks in a rowe. If I know that I have more than one important show during the season, I have to do some kind of schedule for the birds so that I dont bring them out to offently.

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My showresults with Recessive pieds

1995 Best in Show at the Swedish Championship with a Recessive dark green cock.

Best Breeder op Sex and 4:th best cock in show at the Swedish B.S club show with an Recessive grey cock.

1996 Best Recessive in show with a Recessive grey cock at the Swedish B.S club show.
1997 Best op Sex in show, Best Breeder in show and best hen, with a Recessive dark green. 5:th best cock in show with a Recessive dark green, at the Swedish B.S club show.

Best Recessive in show at the Danish B.S club show with a Recessive dark green hen.

1998 Best Recessive in show with a Recessive Pied grey cock at the Swedish B.S club show.
1999 No shows this year.

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