
As the name already have told you the Recessive pieds are recessive like the Fallows, Greywings and Clearwings.
Breeding pattern for Recessive pieds:
Pied x Pied = 100% Pieds
Pied x Normal = 100% Normal/pied
Pied x Normal/pied = 50% Pieds
50% Normal/pied
Normal/pied x Normal/pied = 50% Normal/pied
25% Pied
25% Normal
Pied x Pied = 100% Pieds

When you pair a Recessive pied to a normal you will get what is called splits. These birds are carrying the recessive gene and you need to pair such a bird to either another split or to a Recessive pied, to get Recessive pieds again.

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