Mayes County Patch

There is a train derailment inside your community. One of the plants in the Industrial Park explodes. A truck, carrying hazardous material, overturns near your house. Toxic fumes are spreading. A "shelter-in-place" statement is broadcast by your favorite station.

Do YOU know what to do?


Here's How to Shelter-in-place:

  1. Go inside your home, school, or public building, store, or office building. Go to a room with no or few windows.
  2. Stay calm. Only call 911 if there is an injury or other immediate emergency. Do not call 911 for information on the status of the emergency.
  3. Turn on a radio or television to a local station for information and direction. Information will be given to KRMG (AM 740), KOTV (Channel 6), KJRH (Channel 2), and KTUL (Channel 8). Citizens in Pryor who are cable television subscribers can expect announcements using the cable interrupt feature. Also, announcement will be made over the National Weather Service radio on 162.55 mHz or 162.50 mHz which broadcasts into Mayes County.
  4. Stay tuned to the station until the emergency is over, or until you are given instructions to leave. Unlike storm warnings, there will be an all-clear annoucement given by the media.
  5. Bring pets inside.
  6. Turn off heating/cooling systems.
  7. Turn off window and other fans. This includes ceiling fans.
  8. Shut windows & doors.
  9. Cover cracks with tape or wet rags.
  10. If told to protect breathing, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth.
  11. After the emergency is over, you will be told how to air out your house.


  1. Stay calm.
  2. Tune your radio or TV.
  3. Stay off of the telephone. The lines will be needed for official business. Your calls could prevent others from receiving emergency assistance.
  4. Beforehand assemble a shelter-in-place kit. This kit should include:
    • two rolls of duct tape
    • scissors
    • plastic material for covering doors and windows
    • towels
    • If you have small children, some games or activities to amuse them
    • drinking water
    • a small supply of non-perishable food
    • toilet supplies and any necessary medications
    • a portable, battery operated radio
    • a flashlight
    • extra batteries and once again,
    • your checklist


You know what to do now!