Writing from Jeff and Cathy

Poetry Letters, Odds, and Ends
- 13 Ways of Looking at a Woman
- A Turn to God
- Autobiographical Poem
- Don't You Hate to Leave?
- Goal Setting
- Guilt and Whine
- Homage to Philadelphia
- Kiss Me!
- Like a Toilet Seat
- Lone Wolf at the Helm
- Lost Weekend
- Luke's Advice
- My Responsibility
- Of Lovers and Survivors
- Once I Find Her
- People Chase
- Personals Ad
- Steal on Steel
- What Matters
- Winter Wind Buffets
- Holiday Newsletter 2008
- Holiday Newsletter 2007
- Holiday Newsletter 2006
- Holiday Newsletter 2005
- Holiday Newsletter 2004
- Holiday Newsletter 2003
- Eulogy for Dad, August 2003
- Newsletter to Martha Jane, May 2003
- Holiday Newsletter 2002
- Letter to Tina, May 2002
- Letter to Kids' Blount Teachers on Their Move to Sevier
- Post-Holiday Update 2002
- Holiday Newsletter 2001
- April 20 Letter
- Holiday Newsletter 2000
- February 2 - 5 Letter
- Holiday Newsletter 1999
- Moved Announcement
- Holiday Newsletter 1998
- October 10 - November 1 Letter
- August 1 Letter
- Holiday Newsletter 1997
- Holiday Newsletter 1996
- Veteran's Day Ceremony Closer
- Holiday Newsletter 1995
- Holiday Newsletter 1994
- Holiday Newsletter 1993
- Letter to Faye and Elmer, September, 1993
- Holiday Newsletter 1992
- Letter to Josie and Rush, Faye and Elmer, June, 1989
- Letter to Josie and Rush, Faye and Elmer, July, 1986



- A Good Lonely
- The Cave Man's Choice
- Crossed Swords
- Lady of the Darkness
- Mothers' Day Cards
- No Ice
- Poof
- Raw Meat
- Scary Monsters Visit the Real World
- Ushering Out the Summer

Autism Links | Family Photos | Résumés, etc. | Poems, Letters, etc.

This page is maintained by
Jeff and Cathy Romanczuk, lukate@charter.net