Our lives have been touched by two wonderful men. Unfortunately we have lost both these men. Let me tell you about these men. Both men were wonderful grandpa's. They loved to play with their grandchildren. They both ironically were retired US Postal Service Members. No they never would have gone crazy and shot up a post office. They both lived in Minnesota.
Robert, My father. My dad would have been 71 this year. Boy that seems hard to imagine. He died 6 years ago. The day after his 65th birthday. And the day before fathers day. Needless to say fathers day brings a tear to my eyes. I miss him as much today as when he died. He died of kidney cancer that spread to his lungs. He loved to go hunting. He loved to travel. He loved to be surrounded by his kids. He was a boyscout leader for more years than I can remember. He was also "Dad" to numerous exchange students, from Japan and Germany.What I'll always regret is that my boys never got the chance to ride with grandpa on his motorscooter. He liked to nickname all his grandkids. Many loved ones miss him.
John, My father in law. John died on May 29th of this year. It has left a hole in many hearts. Our grieving has just begun. John died of a brain tumor that he valiently fought for 2 years. He was a gentle man. Big too. Like a big ole bear. He loved to hunt and fish. He loved his home on Lake Superior. He loved the outdoors. He liked to build wooden things out in his workshop. He chugged a few beers. And always laughed at life. He enjoyed being a father and a grandfather best. He was smart. You could ask him anything and he proubley knew the answer.
Its ironic. The day my dad died I first heard the song Tears in Heaven. And this song was played at Johns funeral. There are many Tears on Earth, because these two Grandpa's are in Heaven .