
Cancer; It is maybe one of the most scary words in the english language.  It has no reguard for race, status, wealth.  It is totally non- discriminating.  In reality it is numerous diseases grouped together under one  word.  The types of cancers are as numerous as the treatments for cancer.  All cancers have one thing in common.  There is an abnormal growth  of cells with abnormal properties.  The life expectancy of a person with cancer has improved through out the years. In the early 1900's it was a death sentence.  There are now numerous treatments to help combat cancer.  This is not to say everyone is cured. But to say the chances are better than it was years ago. In my life I have lost a father to kidney cancer, a father in law to a brain tumor, an aunt  to pancreas cancer.  Another aunt has been lucky with her breast cancer.  Its ironic while I was in nursing school I liked reading about cancer, it interested me.  I recieved my best scores on my cancer work/papers  I enjoyed working on the cancer wards.  The young nurse in me thought that I could make a difference in the lives of these people with cancer.  And in the end there was nothing that made a difference in my fathers life.  The emotions that go with cancer are devastating. To the person and their families.  The begging, the pleading, the promising. Also the anger.  The acceptance that must come.  I remember my teacher telling us all about a lady who was found to have inoperatable cancer, it was spread all over.  They just closed her up.  They lady absolutely refused to accept that she would die.  She insisted that God would cure her.  Her faith was absolute.  When they reopened her up a few weeks later, there was no sign of cancer.  Cancer, it is a different disease.  Let us all hope and pray for a "cure" for all cancers.  To learn more please check out these links.
  Prevention & Signs         
American Cancer Society
  American Institute for Cancer Research
  Breast Cancer
  Lung Cancer

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