Nikita's Siberian Husky Land

Nikita is the first furry kid that Shane and I adopted as a couple. She is absolutely adorable and has a wonderful personality/temperament. Like a lot of Siberian Huskies, she very cheeky, full of fun and is a great companion to us and Shakara, her canine sister.

If you would like to hear just how cheeky a Siberian Husky can be, click here to listen to Nikita arguing with Shane. She always has to be the one who gets the last word in!

When she was younger, we enjoyed showing her in the conformation ring. Although she did quite well (having achieved half the points required for her championship before we retired her) she is on the small side for a fully matured Siberian bitch. When circumstances permit, we would love to adopt more Sibes and reenter the ring. Nikita will always remain with us however, as she holds a special place in our hearts.

Nikita and her litter mates
Nikita and her litter
Wee Nikita
As a wee pup
6 months
Around 6 months of age
First show ribbon
Winning her first show
There's nothing as
beautiful than a
Sibe howl!
11 months
Around 11 months of
Head shot
Posing for the camera
Bath time
She and Shakara love
their bath
Muddy Husky
It's a great place to get
Quiet solitude
Having a quiet moment
underneath the
Hidey hole
Resting in another
hidey hole
Nikita the couch hog
Weellllll ... a Sibe has
got to have her
creature comforts!

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Copyright © K. Trebbin 2005
