Welcome to our page dedicated to our cats.
Our current kitty is Captain. He has lived with Shane for over eight years now. He's a well traveled cat, having been born in Victoria (Australia). Shane bought him up to Queensland to share his life with him when he was only a kitten.
(click on thumbnail to view full-sized pic)
Captain's favourite pastimes .... well his favourite would have to be sleeping. This would be closely followed by reminding Nikita (our Siberian Husky) and Shakara (our Australian Shepherd) just which species is the boss of the house. He's a cat after all!
Our old guy was Coffee. He was originally our neighbour's cat, but after spending more and more time with us, he finally moved in with us for good when our neighbours left town. Unfortunately we lost the poor, old guy to tragic circumstances a little while ago. His photo and name remains on this website as a sort of tribute to the fun and companionship he gave us.
(click on thumbnail to view full-sized pic)
Goddess of the Cats
Grant us the serenity to accept the birds we shouldn't chase,
The courage to play with the toys with which we are allowed,
And the wisdom to know the difference between the two!!
Here are a couple of Captain's favourite websites. Both websites are a "must-visit" for all cat lovers!!
This page has been accessed
times since December 2002.