The Hawesville Vol. Fire Department has training on every 4th Thursday of the month. We have medical training on each 2nd Tuesday of the odd months. Our training schedule is posted below.

2001 Basic 20 Training

These classes will begin at 18:30 at the Hawesville Fire Station.

Date Topic Instructor
January 25 Ladders Tim Meserve
February 13 Safety Dale Edwards
February 20 PPE David Garrett
February 22 Fire Behavior Rick Montague
February 27 Hoses, Nozzles, & Appliances Rick Cox
March 6 Smoke Maze Trlr. Rick Montague
March 13 Fire Control W/Burn Trailer Rick Montague

2001 H.V.F.D. Training Schedule

These classes will be at 08:30 and 18:30 on the following dates.

Date Topic Instructor
March 22 Alarms & Communications Rick Montague
April 25-26 Firefighter Rescue KY State Fire & Rescue
May 22 Ventilation Hugh Ogle
June 28 Ladders Tim Meserve
July 26 & 28 Driver's Training KY State Fire & Rescue
August 23 Forcible Entry Hugh Ogle
September 27 Pump Operations Mike Carroll
October 25 Prevention & Education Dale Edwards & Hugh Ogle
November 20 Aircraft KY State Fire & Rescue
December 27 Building Construction Mike Carroll

2001 H.V.F.D. Saturday Trainings

These classes will be at 18:30 at the Hawesville Fire Station

Date Topic
March 31 Extrication
May 19 Confined Space
August 18 Wildland
October 20 Portable Extinguishers

2001 H.V.F.D. Medical Training

This schedule is still in the works!

Date Topic Instructor

If you have any questions about any of the trainings, just e-mail us!

H.V.F.D. Roster
Activities & Fundraisers
Mission Statement
EMS Support
Ladies Auxiliary
Fire Safety