Kaitlyn is so happy to have a sister. She really does love her so much, and is a very big help with feeding and other little things that need to be done. She loves to brush Kara's hair, and sings to her too.
This is a picture of me with my two beautiful girls.

She is doing really well in school, and has been on the honor roll all year! She especially loves to read, and seems to have taken on the task of trying to teach Christian (who is now four!) to read. I do not doubt that she will succeed! She is so encouraging to her brothers....and is so concerned when they are in trouble! However, to Kyle (he's almost 12), she is "still a pain"....I am sure that she will eventually crack his shell, and make him a softie!
Here are a few pictures of the twins when they were small. They were so cute together.....always holding hands, or hugging...you hardly ever saw them apart.
Cameron and Kaitlyn
This one is so cute! Their Grandma made these monkeys for them, and they were so proud of them!
Even when they were smaller, Kaitlyn was already taking Cameron by the hand!
At the beginning of school
This page was made with TLC just for Kaitlyn....full of all her favorite things...I hope you like it sweetie!

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© 1997 MarthaAnnD@yahoo.com
I am extremely grateful to these artists for allowing me to use their wonderful graphics! Please be sure and visit them to enjoy more of their work!