My Four Sons!

This page is all about my FOUR SONS!

Kyle, Cameron, Christian, and Cole

I have four wonderful boys, who are all full of energy, and lots of other stuff too! (**grin**)Each one of them has their own style, personality, and I am finding out more and more daily!

kyleco.gif Kyle is the oldest of my six children. He is almost twelve, but thinks he is 25. He is a very good first child, because he is very helpful with a lot of things around the house (he does a great job of cleaning out my truck!) He is pretty responsible for a little kid....don't tell him I said so or he won't be able to walk through the doors because his head will be so big!! *wink* He takes care of our dog, Bear.
Go to the farm page to see Bear

Kyle is interested in lots of different things. He is in 4-H and has chickens (which you can see on our farm page)and right now he is doing the gardening project sponsored by 4-H...which, so far, is going pretty well! He really likes to ride bikes, which his Uncle Jack just gave him a really super nice bike a few weeks ago and he just loves it! He likes to listen to music...which I think is a typical thing for all almost 12 year old kids! I think you could say that Kyle is the ultimate Tampa Buccaneer Fan. I must admit, it is contagious because I sure was rooting for them last season too!
Click on flag to go to BUCS Fun & Games page for neat games and coloring pages!

Cameron is my eight year old son. He has a twin sister, Kaitlyn. Cameron is a MEGA energetic boy! He loves sports, and plays in the Little League. cameronhit.gif Click on the picture to see more of Cameron The season is almost over, and they are still number one!He really likes it a lot! I think it has also improved his behavior at home, as well as made him more eager to help out around the house, and help others. It seems that whatever Cameron tries to do, he almost always succeeds, especially at sports. Like all boys, Cameron really enjoys fishing and will go with anyone who can put up with him! Cameron also has an uncanny ability to remember lyrics to music as well as the tune. Maybe some day he will be a musician as well!

Christian is my baby who was born at home. When we found out we were having another baby, we discussed how we would like to do something different for the birth, especially since the birth of the twins was rather traumatic. We decided to have Christian at home, and it was beautiful. We were surrounded by family, and some wonderful Christian midwives. It was a calm, peaceful birth without all the technicalities you have to endure with a hospital birth. The fathers have such a wonderful opportunity to connect and bond with the babies when they are the first one to touch their new baby. christianfrog.gif
He is five now, and will start kindergarten next year and he is the same size as Cameron! Christian likes everything that the other boys like, because he wants to be just like his brothers! He really likes riding his bike, and has been able to ride a bike without training wheels since he was two!!!
> It is amazing how quickly he catches on to things! He is in preschool right now, and his teacher says that he is a wonderful student, and is at the top of his class. He colors very neatly, as well as the other older children do! One interest I wish he didn't have, is BUGS!! He really likes any kind of bug and because of that, his father has affectionately nick-named him "Doo Bug". He seems to really have an interest in horses, and talks about taking care of the horses (if we have any) when we have our real farm!

colexmas.gif Cole is my "Little Man". He is three, and life is grand! He likes trains, and thinks McDonald's is a four star restaurant! He would like Dairy Queen to open a buffet!

His favorite form of entertainment is NICK JR and loves Blue's Clues, and Little Bear. He likes to play outside, and likes to chase chickens! Most of all I think he really enjoys being pulled around in the wagon and giving orders!
When my Aunts come down from up North, he practically all but moves in with them! He spends the whole day shuttling back and forth between their homes (they live next door to each other) mooching cookies, or Pepsi, whatever he can get (lots of hugs and lovin'!) and occasionally paints a masterpiece on the sidewalk with a paintbrush and water! He usually comes home when it is time for bed, or when he needs clean clothes! I know he loves them very much and misses them when they go back home for the summer. Cole....does not like bugs. :-)

cole1.gifcoleduck.gif cole.gif

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